API Reference 0.3.24dart_web_toolkit_eventResettableEventBus

ResettableEventBus class

Wraps an EventBus to hold on to any HandlerRegistrations, so that they can easily all be cleared at once.

class ResettableEventBus extends EventBus {
 final EventBus _wrapped;
 final Set<HandlerRegistration> _registrations = new Set<HandlerRegistration>();


 HandlerRegistration addHandler(EventType type, EventHandler handler) {
   HandlerRegistration rtn = _wrapped.addHandler(type, handler);
   return _doRegisterHandler(rtn);

 HandlerRegistration addHandlerToSource(EventType type, Object source, EventHandler handler) {
   HandlerRegistration rtn = _wrapped.addHandlerToSource(type, source, handler);
   return _doRegisterHandler(rtn);

 void fireEvent(IEvent event) {

 void fireEventFromSource(IEvent event, Object source) {
   _wrapped.fireEventFromSource(event, source);

  * Remove all handlers that have been added through this wrapper.
 void removeHandlers() {
   while (_registrations.length > 0) {
     HandlerRegistration r = _registrations.first;
      * must remove before we call removeHandler. Might have come from nested
      * ResettableEventBus


  *  Visible for testing.
 int getRegistrationSize() {
   return _registrations.length;

 HandlerRegistration _doRegisterHandler(HandlerRegistration registration) {
   return new _ResettableHandlerRegistration(this, registration);

 void _doUnregisterHandler(HandlerRegistration registration) {
   if (_registrations.contains(registration)) {


EventBus > ResettableEventBus


new ResettableEventBus(EventBus _wrapped) #

Creates a new Object instance.

Object instances have no meaningful state, and are only useful through their identity. An Object instance is equal to itself only.

docs inherited from Object


HandlerRegistration addHandler(EventType type, EventHandler handler) #

Adds an unfiltered handler to receive events of this type from all sources.

It is rare to call this method directly. More typically an Event subclass will provide a static <code>register</code> method, or a widget will accept handlers directly.

@param <H> The type of handler @param type the event type associated with this handler @param handler the handler @return the handler registration, can be stored in order to remove the

    handler later
docs inherited from EventBus
HandlerRegistration addHandler(EventType type, EventHandler handler) {
 HandlerRegistration rtn = _wrapped.addHandler(type, handler);
 return _doRegisterHandler(rtn);

HandlerRegistration addHandlerToSource(EventType type, Object source, EventHandler handler) #

Adds a handler to receive events of this type from the given source.

It is rare to call this method directly. More typically a Event subclass will provide a static <code>register</code> method, or a widget will accept handlers directly.

@param <H> The type of handler @param type the event type associated with this handler @param source the source associated with this handler @param handler the handler @return the handler registration, can be stored in order to remove the

    handler later
docs inherited from EventBus
HandlerRegistration addHandlerToSource(EventType type, Object source, EventHandler handler) {
 HandlerRegistration rtn = _wrapped.addHandlerToSource(type, source, handler);
 return _doRegisterHandler(rtn);

void fireEvent(IEvent event) #

Fires the event from no source. Only unfiltered handlers will receive it.

Any exceptions thrown by handlers will be bundled into a UmbrellaException and then re-thrown after all handlers have completed. An exception thrown by a handler will not prevent other handlers from executing.

@throws UmbrellaException wrapping exceptions thrown by handlers

@param event the event to fire

docs inherited from EventBus
void fireEvent(IEvent event) {

void fireEventFromSource(IEvent event, Object source) #

Fires the given event to the handlers listening to the event's type.

Any exceptions thrown by handlers will be bundled into a UmbrellaException and then re-thrown after all handlers have completed. An exception thrown by a handler will not prevent other handlers from executing.

@throws UmbrellaException wrapping exceptions thrown by handlers

@param event the event to fire

docs inherited from EventBus
void fireEventFromSource(IEvent event, Object source) {
 _wrapped.fireEventFromSource(event, source);

int getRegistrationSize() #

Visible for testing.

int getRegistrationSize() {
 return _registrations.length;

void removeHandlers() #

Remove all handlers that have been added through this wrapper.

void removeHandlers() {
 while (_registrations.length > 0) {
   HandlerRegistration r = _registrations.first;
    * must remove before we call removeHandler. Might have come from nested
    * ResettableEventBus
