API Reference 0.3.24dart_web_toolkit_eventSimpleEventBus<H>

SimpleEventBus<H> class

Basic implementation of EventBus.

class SimpleEventBus<H> extends EventBus<H> {

 static _EmptySource _emptySource = new _EmptySource();

  * Map of event type to map of event source to list of their handlers.
 Map<EventType, Map<Object, List>> map = new Map<EventType, Map<Object, List>>();

 int _firingDepth = 0;

  * Add and remove operations received during dispatch.
 List<Command> _deferredDeltas;

  * Allows creation of an instance that fires its handlers in the reverse of
  * the order in which they were added, although filtered handlers all fire
  * before unfiltered handlers.

  * @deprecated required by legacy features in GWT's old HandlerManager
 bool isEventHandled(EventType<H> type) {
   return map.containsKey(type);

  * Adds an unfiltered [handler] to receive events of this [type] from all sources.
  * It is rare to call this method directly. More typically an [Event]
  * subclass will provide a static <code>register</code> method, or a widget
  * will accept handlers directly.
  * @param <H> The type of handler
  * @param type the event type associated with this handler
  * @param handler the handler
  * @return the handler registration, can be stored in order to remove the
  *         handler later
 HandlerRegistration addHandler(EventType<H> type, H handler) {
   return _doAdd(type, _emptySource, handler);

  * Adds a [handler] to receive events of this [type] from the given [source].
  * It is rare to call this method directly. More typically a [Event]
  * subclass will provide a static <code>register</code> method, or a widget
  * will accept handlers directly.
  * @param <H> The type of handler
  * @param type the event type associated with this handler
  * @param source the source associated with this handler
  * @param handler the handler
  * @return the handler registration, can be stored in order to remove the
  *         handler later
 HandlerRegistration addHandlerToSource(EventType<H> type, Object source, H handler) {
   assert(source != null);
   return _doAdd(type, source, handler);

 HandlerRegistration _doAdd(EventType<H> type, Object source, H handler) {
   assert(type != null);
   assert(handler != null);
   if (_firingDepth > 0) {
     _enqueueAdd(type, source, handler);
   } else {
     _doAddNow(type, source, handler);

   return new _HandlerRegistration(this, type, source, handler);

 void _doAddNow(EventType<H> type, Object source, H handler) {
   List<H> l = ensureHandlerList(type, source);

 List<H> ensureHandlerList(EventType<H> type, Object source) {
   Map<Object, List> sourceMap;
   if (map.containsKey(type)) {
     sourceMap = map[type];
   } else {
     sourceMap = new Map<Object, List>();
     map[type] = sourceMap;

   // safe, we control the puts.
   List<H> handlers;
   if (sourceMap.containsKey(source)) {
     handlers = sourceMap[source];
   } else {
     handlers = new List<H>();
     sourceMap[source] = handlers;

   return handlers;

 void _doRemove(EventType<H> type, Object source, H handler) {
   if (_firingDepth > 0) {
     _enqueueRemove(type, source, handler);
   } else {
     _doRemoveNow(type, source, handler);

 void _doRemoveNow(EventType<H> type, Object source, H handler) {
   List<H> l = getHandlerList(type, source);

   int indx = l.indexOf(handler);
   if (indx != -1) {
     if (l.isEmpty) {
       prune(type, source);

 void prune(EventType type, Object source) {
   if (map.containsKey(type)) {
     Map<Object, List> sourceMap = map[type];
     List pruned = sourceMap.remove(source);

     assert (pruned != null); // : "Can't prune what wasn't there";
     assert (pruned.isEmpty); // : "Pruned unempty list!";

     if (sourceMap.isEmpty) {


 void _defer(Command command) {
   if (_deferredDeltas == null) {
     _deferredDeltas = new List<Command>();

 void _handleQueuedAddsAndRemoves() {
   if (_deferredDeltas != null) {
     try {
       for (Command c in _deferredDeltas) {
     } finally {
       _deferredDeltas = null;

 void _enqueueRemove(EventType<H> type, Object source, H handler) {
   _defer(new _RemoveCommand(this, type, source, handler));

 void _enqueueAdd(EventType<H> type, Object source, H handler) {
   _defer(new _AddCommand(this, type, source, handler));


  * Fires the event from no source. Only unfiltered handlers will receive it.
  * Any exceptions thrown by handlers will be bundled into a
  * [UmbrellaException] and then re-thrown after all handlers have
  * completed. An exception thrown by a handler will not prevent other handlers
  * from executing.
  * @throws UmbrellaException wrapping exceptions thrown by handlers
  * @param event the event to fire
 void fireEvent(IEvent event) {
   _doFire(event, null);

  * Fires the given event to the handlers listening to the event's type.
  * Any exceptions thrown by handlers will be bundled into a
  * [UmbrellaException] and then re-thrown after all handlers have
  * completed. An exception thrown by a handler will not prevent other handlers
  * from executing.
  * @throws UmbrellaException wrapping exceptions thrown by handlers
  * @param event the event to fire
 void fireEventFromSource(IEvent event, Object source) {
   assert(source != null);
   _doFire(event, source);

 void _doFire(IEvent event, Object source) {
   assert(event != null);
   try {

     if (source != null) {

     List<H> handlers = getDispatchList(event.getAssociatedType(), source);
     Set<Exception> causes = null;

     for (int i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++) {
       H handler = handlers[i];
//      for (Iterator<H> it = handlers.iterator; it.moveNext();) {
//        H handler = it.current;

       try {
         EventBus.dispatchEvent(event, handler);
       } on Exception catch (e) {
         if (causes == null) {
           causes = new Set<Exception>();

     if (causes != null) {
       throw new UmbrellaException(causes);
   } finally {
     if (_firingDepth == 0) {

 List<H> getDispatchList(EventType<H> type, Object source) {
   List<H> directHandlers = getHandlerList(type, source);
   if (source == null) {
     return directHandlers;

   List<H> globalHandlers = getHandlerList(type, _emptySource);

   List<H> rtn = new List<H>.from(directHandlers);
   if (globalHandlers.length > 0) {
   return rtn;

 List<H> getHandlerList(EventType<H> type, Object source) {
   if (map.containsKey(type)) {
     Map<Object, List> sourceMap = map[type];
     if (source == null) {
       source = _emptySource;
     if (source != null && sourceMap.containsKey(source)) {
       return sourceMap[source];
   return new List<H>();


EventBus<H> > SimpleEventBus<H>


new SimpleEventBus() #

Allows creation of an instance that fires its handlers in the reverse of the order in which they were added, although filtered handlers all fire before unfiltered handlers.



Map<EventType, Map<Object, List>> map #

Map of event type to map of event source to list of their handlers.

Map<EventType, Map<Object, List>> map = new Map<EventType, Map<Object, List>>()


HandlerRegistration addHandler(EventType<H> type, H handler) #

Adds an unfiltered handler to receive events of this type from all sources.

It is rare to call this method directly. More typically an Event subclass will provide a static <code>register</code> method, or a widget will accept handlers directly.

@param <H> The type of handler @param type the event type associated with this handler @param handler the handler @return the handler registration, can be stored in order to remove the

    handler later
HandlerRegistration addHandler(EventType<H> type, H handler) {
 return _doAdd(type, _emptySource, handler);

HandlerRegistration addHandlerToSource(EventType<H> type, Object source, H handler) #

Adds a handler to receive events of this type from the given source.

It is rare to call this method directly. More typically a Event subclass will provide a static <code>register</code> method, or a widget will accept handlers directly.

@param <H> The type of handler @param type the event type associated with this handler @param source the source associated with this handler @param handler the handler @return the handler registration, can be stored in order to remove the

    handler later
HandlerRegistration addHandlerToSource(EventType<H> type, Object source, H handler) {
 assert(source != null);
 return _doAdd(type, source, handler);

List<H> ensureHandlerList(EventType<H> type, Object source) #

List<H> ensureHandlerList(EventType<H> type, Object source) {
 Map<Object, List> sourceMap;
 if (map.containsKey(type)) {
   sourceMap = map[type];
 } else {
   sourceMap = new Map<Object, List>();
   map[type] = sourceMap;

 // safe, we control the puts.
 List<H> handlers;
 if (sourceMap.containsKey(source)) {
   handlers = sourceMap[source];
 } else {
   handlers = new List<H>();
   sourceMap[source] = handlers;

 return handlers;

void fireEvent(IEvent event) #

Fires the event from no source. Only unfiltered handlers will receive it.

Any exceptions thrown by handlers will be bundled into a UmbrellaException and then re-thrown after all handlers have completed. An exception thrown by a handler will not prevent other handlers from executing.

@throws UmbrellaException wrapping exceptions thrown by handlers

@param event the event to fire

void fireEvent(IEvent event) {
 _doFire(event, null);

void fireEventFromSource(IEvent event, Object source) #

Fires the given event to the handlers listening to the event's type.

Any exceptions thrown by handlers will be bundled into a UmbrellaException and then re-thrown after all handlers have completed. An exception thrown by a handler will not prevent other handlers from executing.

@throws UmbrellaException wrapping exceptions thrown by handlers

@param event the event to fire

void fireEventFromSource(IEvent event, Object source) {
 assert(source != null);
 _doFire(event, source);

List<H> getDispatchList(EventType<H> type, Object source) #

List<H> getDispatchList(EventType<H> type, Object source) {
 List<H> directHandlers = getHandlerList(type, source);
 if (source == null) {
   return directHandlers;

 List<H> globalHandlers = getHandlerList(type, _emptySource);

 List<H> rtn = new List<H>.from(directHandlers);
 if (globalHandlers.length > 0) {
 return rtn;

List<H> getHandlerList(EventType<H> type, Object source) #

List<H> getHandlerList(EventType<H> type, Object source) {
 if (map.containsKey(type)) {
   Map<Object, List> sourceMap = map[type];
   if (source == null) {
     source = _emptySource;
   if (source != null && sourceMap.containsKey(source)) {
     return sourceMap[source];
 return new List<H>();

bool isEventHandled(EventType<H> type) #

@deprecated required by legacy features in GWT's old HandlerManager

bool isEventHandled(EventType<H> type) {
 return map.containsKey(type);

void prune(EventType type, Object source) #

void prune(EventType type, Object source) {
 if (map.containsKey(type)) {
   Map<Object, List> sourceMap = map[type];
   List pruned = sourceMap.remove(source);

   assert (pruned != null); // : "Can't prune what wasn't there";
   assert (pruned.isEmpty); // : "Pruned unempty list!";

   if (sourceMap.isEmpty) {