API Reference 0.3.24dart_web_toolkit_httpRequestBuilder

RequestBuilder class

Builder for constructing {@link com.google.gwt.http.client.Request} objects.

Required Module

Modules that use this class should inherit com.google.gwt.http.HTTP.

{@gwt.include com/google/gwt/examples/http/InheritsExample.gwt.xml}

class RequestBuilder {
  * Specifies that the HTTP DELETE method should be used.
 static final Method DELETE = new Method("DELETE");

  * Specifies that the HTTP GET method should be used.
 static final Method GET = new Method("GET");

  * Specifies that the HTTP HEAD method should be used.
 static final Method HEAD = new Method("HEAD");

  * Specifies that the HTTP POST method should be used.
 static final Method POST = new Method("POST");

  * Specifies that the HTTP PUT method should be used.
 static final Method PUT = new Method("PUT");

  * The callback to call when the request completes.
 RequestCallback _callback;

  * Map of header name to value that will be added to the JavaScript
  * XmlHttpRequest object before sending a request.
  Map<String, String> _headers;

  * HTTP method to use when opening a JavaScript XmlHttpRequest object.
  String _httpMethod;

  * Password to use when opening a JavaScript XmlHttpRequest object.
 String _password;

  * Request data to use when sending a JavaScript XmlHttpRequest object.
 String _requestData;

  * Timeout in milliseconds before the request timeouts and fails.
 int _timeoutMillis;

  * URL to use when opening a JavaScript XmlHttpRequest object.
 String _url;

  * User to use when opening a JavaScript XmlHttpRequest object.
 String _user;

  * Creates a builder using the parameters for configuration.
  * @param httpMethod HTTP method to use for the request
  * @param url URL that has already has already been encoded. Please see
  *          {@link com.google.gwt.http.client.URL#encode(String)},
  *          {@link com.google.gwt.http.client.URL#encodePathSegment(String)} and
  *          {@link com.google.gwt.http.client.URL#encodeQueryString(String)} for
  *          how to do this.
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the httpMethod or URL are empty
  * @throws NullPointerException if the httpMethod or the URL are null
 RequestBuilder.fromMethod(Method httpMethod, String url) : this((httpMethod == null) ? null : httpMethod.toString(), url);

  * Creates a builder using the parameters values for configuration.
  * @param httpMethod HTTP method to use for the request
  * @param url URL that has already has already been URL encoded. Please see
  *          {@link com.google.gwt.http.client.URL#encode(String)} and
  *          {@link com.google.gwt.http.client.URL#encodePathSegment(String)} and
  *          {@link com.google.gwt.http.client.URL#encodeQueryString(String)} for
  *          how to do this.
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the httpMethod or URL are empty
  * @throws NullPointerException if the httpMethod or the URL are null
 RequestBuilder(this._httpMethod, this._url) {

   StringValidator.throwIfEmptyOrNull("httpMethod", _httpMethod);
   StringValidator.throwIfEmptyOrNull("url", _url);

  * Returns the callback previously set by
  * {@link #setCallback(RequestCallback)}, or <code>null</code> if no callback
  * was set.
 RequestCallback getCallback() {
   return _callback;

  * Returns the value of a header previous set by
  * {@link #setHeader(String, String)}, or <code>null</code> if no such header
  * was set.
  * @param header the name of the header
 String getHeader(String header) {
   if (_headers == null) {
     return null;
   return _headers[header];

  * Returns the HTTP method specified in the constructor.
 String getHTTPMethod() {
   return _httpMethod;

  * Returns the password previously set by {@link #setPassword(String)}, or
  * <code>null</code> if no password was set.
 String getPassword() {
   return _password;

  * Returns the requestData previously set by {@link #setRequestData(String)},
  * or <code>null</code> if no requestData was set.
 String getRequestData() {
   return _requestData;

  * Returns the timeoutMillis previously set by {@link #setTimeoutMillis(int)},
  * or <code>0</code> if no timeoutMillis was set.
 int getTimeoutMillis() {
   return _timeoutMillis;

  * Returns the HTTP URL specified in the constructor.
 String getUrl() {
   return _url;

  * Returns the user previously set by {@link #setUser(String)}, or
  * <code>null</code> if no user was set.
 String getUser() {
   return _user;

  * Sends an HTTP request based on the current builder configuration. If no
  * request headers have been set, the header "Content-Type" will be used with
  * a value of "text/plain; charset=utf-8". You must call
  * {@link #setRequestData(String)} and {@link #setCallback(RequestCallback)}
  * before calling this method.
  * @return a {@link Request} object that can be used to track the request
  * @throws RequestException if the call fails to initiate
  * @throws NullPointerException if a request callback has not been set
 Request send() {
   StringValidator.throwIfNull("callback", _callback);
   return _doSend(_requestData, _callback);

  * Sends an HTTP request based on the current builder configuration with the
  * specified data and callback. If no request headers have been set, the
  * header "Content-Type" will be used with a value of "text/plain;
  * charset=utf-8". This method does not cache <code>requestData</code> or
  * <code>callback</code>.
  * @param requestData the data to send as part of the request
  * @param callback the response handler to be notified when the request fails
  *          or completes
  * @return a {@link Request} object that can be used to track the request
  * @throws NullPointerException if <code>callback</code> <code>null</code>
 Request sendRequest(String requestData, RequestCallback callback) {
   StringValidator.throwIfNull("callback", callback);
   return _doSend(requestData, callback);

  * Sets the response handler for this request. This method <b>must</b> be
  * called before calling {@link #send()}.
  * @param callback the response handler to be notified when the request fails
  *          or completes
  * @throws NullPointerException if <code>callback</code> is <code>null</code>
 void setCallback(RequestCallback callback) {
   StringValidator.throwIfNull("callback", callback);

   this._callback = callback;

  * Sets a request header with the given name and value. If a header with the
  * specified name has already been set then the new value overwrites the
  * current value.
  * @param header the name of the header
  * @param value the value of the header
  * @throws NullPointerException if header or value are null
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if header or value are the empty string
 void setHeader(String header, String value) {
   StringValidator.throwIfEmptyOrNull("header", header);
   StringValidator.throwIfEmptyOrNull("value", value);

   if (_headers == null) {
     _headers = new Map<String, String>();

   _headers[header] = value;

  * Sets the password to use in the request URL. This is ignored if there is no
  * user specified.
  * @param password password to use in the request URL
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the password is empty
  * @throws NullPointerException if the password is null
 void setPassword(String password) {
   StringValidator.throwIfEmptyOrNull("password", password);

   this._password = password;

  * Sets the data to send as part of this request. This method <b>must</b> be
  * called before calling {@link #send()}.
  * @param requestData the data to send as part of the request
 void setRequestData(String requestData) {
   this._requestData = requestData;

  * Sets the number of milliseconds to wait for a request to complete. Should
  * the request timeout, the
  * {@link com.google.gwt.http.client.RequestCallback#onError(Request, Throwable)}
  * method will be called on the callback instance given to the
  * {@link com.google.gwt.http.client.RequestBuilder#sendRequest(String, RequestCallback)}
  * method. The callback method will receive an instance of the
  * {@link com.google.gwt.http.client.RequestTimeoutException} class as its
  * {@link java.lang.Throwable} argument.
  * @param timeoutMillis number of milliseconds to wait before canceling the
  *          request, a value of zero disables timeouts
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the timeout value is negative
 void setTimeoutMillis(int timeoutMillis) {
   if (timeoutMillis < 0) {
     throw new Exception("Timeouts cannot be negative");

   this._timeoutMillis = timeoutMillis;

  * Sets the user name that will be used in the request URL.
  * @param user user name to use
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the user is empty
  * @throws NullPointerException if the user is null
 void setUser(String user) {
   StringValidator.throwIfEmptyOrNull("user", user);

   this._user = user;

  * Sends an HTTP request based on the current builder configuration. If no
  * request headers have been set, the header "Content-Type" will be used with
  * a value of "text/plain; charset=utf-8".
  * @return a {@link Request} object that can be used to track the request
  * @throws RequestException if the call fails to initiate
  * @throws NullPointerException if request data has not been set
  * @throws NullPointerException if a request callback has not been set
 Request _doSend(String requestData, RequestCallback callback) {
   dart_html.HttpRequest xmlHttpRequest = new dart_html.HttpRequest();

   try {
     if (_user != null && _password != null) {
       xmlHttpRequest.open(_httpMethod, _url, async:true, user:_user, password:_password);
     } else if (_user != null) {
       xmlHttpRequest.open(_httpMethod, _url, async:true, user:_user);
     } else {
       xmlHttpRequest.open(_httpMethod, _url);
   } on Exception catch (e) {
     throw new Exception("The URL $_url is invalid or violates the same-origin security restriction");


   Request request = new Request(xmlHttpRequest, _timeoutMillis, callback);

   // Must set the onreadystatechange handler before calling send().
   xmlHttpRequest.onReadyStateChange.listen((dart_html.Event evt){
     if (xmlHttpRequest.readyState == dart_html.HttpRequest.DONE) {
       xmlHttpRequest.onReadyStateChange.listen(null, onError:null, onDone:null, cancelOnError:true);

   try {
   } on Exception catch (e) {
     throw new Exception(e.toString());

   return request;

  * Internal method that actually sets our cached headers on the underlying
  * JavaScript XmlHttpRequest object. If there are no headers set, then we set
  * the "Content-Type" to "text/plain; charset=utf-8". This is really lining us
  * up for integration with RPC.
 void _setHeaders(dart_html.HttpRequest xmlHttpRequest) {
   if (_headers != null && _headers.length > 0) {
     for (String header in _headers.keys) {
       try {
         xmlHttpRequest.setRequestHeader(header, _headers[header]);
       } on Exception catch (e) {
         throw new Exception(e.toString());
   } else {
     xmlHttpRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8");

Static Properties

final Method DELETE #

Specifies that the HTTP DELETE method should be used.

static final Method DELETE = new Method("DELETE")

final Method GET #

Specifies that the HTTP GET method should be used.

static final Method GET = new Method("GET")

Specifies that the HTTP HEAD method should be used.

static final Method HEAD = new Method("HEAD")

final Method POST #

Specifies that the HTTP POST method should be used.

static final Method POST = new Method("POST")

final Method PUT #

Specifies that the HTTP PUT method should be used.

static final Method PUT = new Method("PUT")


new RequestBuilder(String _httpMethod, String _url) #

Creates a builder using the parameters values for configuration.

@param httpMethod HTTP method to use for the request @param url URL that has already has already been URL encoded. Please see

     {@link com.google.gwt.http.client.URL#encode(String)} and
     {@link com.google.gwt.http.client.URL#encodePathSegment(String)} and
     {@link com.google.gwt.http.client.URL#encodeQueryString(String)} for
     how to do this.

@throws IllegalArgumentException if the httpMethod or URL are empty @throws NullPointerException if the httpMethod or the URL are null

RequestBuilder(this._httpMethod, this._url) {

 StringValidator.throwIfEmptyOrNull("httpMethod", _httpMethod);
 StringValidator.throwIfEmptyOrNull("url", _url);

new RequestBuilder.fromMethod(Method httpMethod, String url) #

Creates a builder using the parameters for configuration.

@param httpMethod HTTP method to use for the request @param url URL that has already has already been encoded. Please see

     {@link com.google.gwt.http.client.URL#encode(String)},
     {@link com.google.gwt.http.client.URL#encodePathSegment(String)} and
     {@link com.google.gwt.http.client.URL#encodeQueryString(String)} for
     how to do this.

@throws IllegalArgumentException if the httpMethod or URL are empty @throws NullPointerException if the httpMethod or the URL are null

RequestBuilder.fromMethod(Method httpMethod, String url) : this((httpMethod == null) ? null : httpMethod.toString(), url);


RequestCallback getCallback() #

Returns the callback previously set by {@link #setCallback(RequestCallback)}, or <code>null</code> if no callback was set.

RequestCallback getCallback() {
 return _callback;

String getHeader(String header) #

Returns the value of a header previous set by {@link #setHeader(String, String)}, or <code>null</code> if no such header was set.

@param header the name of the header

String getHeader(String header) {
 if (_headers == null) {
   return null;
 return _headers[header];

String getHTTPMethod() #

Returns the HTTP method specified in the constructor.

String getHTTPMethod() {
 return _httpMethod;

String getPassword() #

Returns the password previously set by {@link #setPassword(String)}, or <code>null</code> if no password was set.

String getPassword() {
 return _password;

String getRequestData() #

Returns the requestData previously set by {@link #setRequestData(String)}, or <code>null</code> if no requestData was set.

String getRequestData() {
 return _requestData;

int getTimeoutMillis() #

Returns the timeoutMillis previously set by {@link #setTimeoutMillis(int)}, or <code>0</code> if no timeoutMillis was set.

int getTimeoutMillis() {
 return _timeoutMillis;

String getUrl() #

Returns the HTTP URL specified in the constructor.

String getUrl() {
 return _url;

String getUser() #

Returns the user previously set by {@link #setUser(String)}, or <code>null</code> if no user was set.

String getUser() {
 return _user;

Request send() #

Sends an HTTP request based on the current builder configuration. If no request headers have been set, the header "Content-Type" will be used with a value of "text/plain; charset=utf-8". You must call {@link #setRequestData(String)} and {@link #setCallback(RequestCallback)} before calling this method.

@return a {@link Request} object that can be used to track the request @throws RequestException if the call fails to initiate @throws NullPointerException if a request callback has not been set

Request send() {
 StringValidator.throwIfNull("callback", _callback);
 return _doSend(_requestData, _callback);

Request sendRequest(String requestData, RequestCallback callback) #

Sends an HTTP request based on the current builder configuration with the specified data and callback. If no request headers have been set, the header "Content-Type" will be used with a value of "text/plain; charset=utf-8". This method does not cache <code>requestData</code> or <code>callback</code>.

@param requestData the data to send as part of the request @param callback the response handler to be notified when the request fails

     or completes

@return a {@link Request} object that can be used to track the request @throws NullPointerException if <code>callback</code> <code>null</code>

Request sendRequest(String requestData, RequestCallback callback) {
 StringValidator.throwIfNull("callback", callback);
 return _doSend(requestData, callback);

void setCallback(RequestCallback callback) #

Sets the response handler for this request. This method <b>must</b> be called before calling {@link #send()}.

@param callback the response handler to be notified when the request fails

     or completes

@throws NullPointerException if <code>callback</code> is <code>null</code>

void setCallback(RequestCallback callback) {
 StringValidator.throwIfNull("callback", callback);

 this._callback = callback;

void setHeader(String header, String value) #

Sets a request header with the given name and value. If a header with the specified name has already been set then the new value overwrites the current value.

@param header the name of the header @param value the value of the header

@throws NullPointerException if header or value are null @throws IllegalArgumentException if header or value are the empty string

void setHeader(String header, String value) {
 StringValidator.throwIfEmptyOrNull("header", header);
 StringValidator.throwIfEmptyOrNull("value", value);

 if (_headers == null) {
   _headers = new Map<String, String>();

 _headers[header] = value;

void setPassword(String password) #

Sets the password to use in the request URL. This is ignored if there is no user specified.

@param password password to use in the request URL

@throws IllegalArgumentException if the password is empty @throws NullPointerException if the password is null

void setPassword(String password) {
 StringValidator.throwIfEmptyOrNull("password", password);

 this._password = password;

void setRequestData(String requestData) #

Sets the data to send as part of this request. This method <b>must</b> be called before calling {@link #send()}.

@param requestData the data to send as part of the request

void setRequestData(String requestData) {
 this._requestData = requestData;

void setTimeoutMillis(int timeoutMillis) #

Sets the number of milliseconds to wait for a request to complete. Should the request timeout, the {@link com.google.gwt.http.client.RequestCallback#onError(Request, Throwable)} method will be called on the callback instance given to the {@link com.google.gwt.http.client.RequestBuilder#sendRequest(String, RequestCallback)} method. The callback method will receive an instance of the {@link com.google.gwt.http.client.RequestTimeoutException} class as its {@link java.lang.Throwable} argument.

@param timeoutMillis number of milliseconds to wait before canceling the

     request, a value of zero disables timeouts

@throws IllegalArgumentException if the timeout value is negative

void setTimeoutMillis(int timeoutMillis) {
 if (timeoutMillis < 0) {
   throw new Exception("Timeouts cannot be negative");

 this._timeoutMillis = timeoutMillis;

void setUser(String user) #

Sets the user name that will be used in the request URL.

@param user user name to use @throws IllegalArgumentException if the user is empty @throws NullPointerException if the user is null

void setUser(String user) {
 StringValidator.throwIfEmptyOrNull("user", user);

 this._user = user;