API Reference 0.3.24dart_web_toolkit_i18nDateRecord

DateRecord class

Implementation detail of DateTimeFormat -- not a API and subject to change.

DateRecord class exposes almost the same set of interface as Date class with only a few exceptions. The main purpose is the record all the information during parsing phase and resolve them in a later time when all information can be processed together.

class DateRecord {
 DateTime _date = new DateTime.now();

 static final int AM = 0;
 static final int PM = 1;

 static final int _JS_START_YEAR = 1900;

 static const int MIN_VALUE = -2147483648;

 int era = -1;
 int year = MIN_VALUE;
 int month = -1;
 int dayOfMonth = -1; // day
 int ampm = -1;
 int hours = -1;
 int minutes = -1;
 int seconds = -1;
 int millisecond = -1;

 int tzOffset = MIN_VALUE;
 int dayOfWeek = -1;
 bool ambiguousYear = false;

  * Initialize DateExt object with default value. Here we use -1 for most of
  * the field to indicate that field is not set.

  * calcDate uses all the field available so far to fill a Date object. For
  * those information that is not provided, the existing value in 'date' will
  * be kept. Ambiguous year will be resolved after the date/time values are
  * resolved.
  * If the strict option is set to true, calcDate will calculate certain
  * invalid dates by wrapping around as needed. For example, February 30 will
  * wrap to March 2.
  * @param date The Date object being filled. Its value should be set to an
  *          acceptable default before pass in to this method
  * @param strict true to be strict when parsing
  * @return true if successful, otherwise false.
 bool calcDate(DateTime date, bool strict) {
   // Year 0 is 1 BC, and so on.
   if (this.era == 0 && this.year > 0) {
     this.year = -(this.year - 1);

   int _year;
   if (this.year > MIN_VALUE) {
     _year /* date.year */ = this.year - _JS_START_YEAR;

   // "setMonth" and "setDate" is a little bit tricky. Suppose content in
   // date is 11/30, switch month to 02 will lead to 03/02 since 02/30 does
   // not exist. And you certain won't like 02/12 turn out to be 03/12. So
   // here to set date to a smaller number before month, and later setMonth.
   // Real date is set after, and that might cause month switch. However,
   // that's desired.
   int orgDayOfMonth = date.day;
   int _day = 1; //date.day = 1;

   int _month;
   if (this.month >= 0) {
     _month /* date.month */ = this.month;

   if (this.dayOfMonth >= 0) {
     _day /* date.day */ = this.dayOfMonth;
   } else if (this.month >= 0) {
     // If the month was parsed but dayOfMonth was not, then the current day of
     // the month shouldn't affect the parsed month. For example, if "Feb2006"
     // is parse on January 31, the resulting date should be in February, not
     // March. So, we limit the day of the month to the maximum day within the
     // parsed month.
     DateTime tmp = new DateTime(date.year, date.month, 35);
     int daysInCurrentMonth = 35 - tmp.day;
     _day /* date.day */ = dart_math.min(daysInCurrentMonth, orgDayOfMonth);
   } else {
     _day /* date.day */ = orgDayOfMonth;

   // adjust ampm
   if (this.hours < 0) {
     this.hours = date.hour;

   if (this.ampm > 0) {
     if (this.hours < 12) {
       this.hours += 12;
   int _hour /* date.hour */ = this.hours;

   int _minute;
   if (this.minutes >= 0) {
     _minute /* date.minute */ = this.minutes;

   int _second;
   if (this.seconds >= 0) {
     _second /* date.second */ = this.seconds;

   int _millisecond;
   if (this.millisecond >= 0) {
     //date.setTime(date.time / 1000 * 1000 + this.milliseconds);
     _millisecond = date.millisecond ~/ 1000000 + this.millisecond;

   date = new DateTime(_year, _month, _day, _hour, _minute, _second, _millisecond);

   // If strict, verify that the original date fields match the calculated date
   // fields. We do this before we set the timezone offset, which will skew all
   // of the dates.
   // We don't need to check the day of week as it is guaranteed to be correct
   // or return false below.
   if (strict) {
     if ((this.year > MIN_VALUE)
         && ((this.year - _JS_START_YEAR) != date.year)) {
       return false;
     if ((this.month >= 0) && (this.month != date.month)) {
       return false;
     if ((this.dayOfMonth >= 0) && (this.dayOfMonth != date.day)) {
       return false;
     // Times have well defined maximums
     if (this.hours >= 24) {
       return false;
     if (this.minutes >= 60) {
       return false;
     if (this.seconds >= 60) {
       return false;
     if (this.millisecond >= 1000) {
       return false;

   // Resolve ambiguous year if needed.
   if (this.ambiguousYear) { // the two-digit year == the default start year
     DateTime defaultCenturyStart = new DateTime.now();
     //defaultCenturyStart.year = defaultCenturyStart.year - 80;
     defaultCenturyStart = new DateTime(defaultCenturyStart.year - 80, defaultCenturyStart.month, defaultCenturyStart.day, defaultCenturyStart.hour, defaultCenturyStart.minute, defaultCenturyStart.second, defaultCenturyStart.millisecond);

     if (date.isBefore(defaultCenturyStart)) {
       //date.year = defaultCenturyStart.year + 100;
       date = new DateTime(defaultCenturyStart.year + 100, _month, _day, _hour, _minute, _second, _millisecond);

   // Date is resolved to the nearest dayOfWeek if date is not explicitly
   // specified. There is one exception, if the nearest dayOfWeek falls
   // into a different month, the 2nd nearest dayOfWeek, which is on the
   // other direction, will be used.
   if (this.dayOfWeek >= 0) {
     if (this.dayOfMonth == -1) {
       // Adjust to the nearest day of the week.
       int adjustment = (7 + this.dayOfWeek - date.day) % 7;
       if (adjustment > 3) {
         adjustment -= 7;
       int orgMonth = date.month;
       _day /* date.day */ = date.day + adjustment;

       // If the nearest weekday fall into a different month, we will use the
       // 2nd nearest weekday, which will be on the other direction, and is
       // sure fall into the same month.
       if (date.month != orgMonth) {
         _day /* date.day */ = _day /* date.day */ + (adjustment > 0 ? -7 : 7);

       date = new DateTime(date.year, date.month, _day, date.hour, date.minute, date.second, date.millisecond);

     } else {
       if (date.day != this.dayOfWeek) {
         return false;

   // Adjust time zone.
   if (this.tzOffset > MIN_VALUE) {
     //int offset = getTimezoneOffset(date);
     //date.setTime(date.getTime() + (this.tzOffset - offset) * 60 * 1000);
     date = new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(date.millisecondsSinceEpoch, isUtc:true);
     // HBJ date.setTime(date.getTime() + this.tzOffset * 60 * 1000);

   return true;

//  int getTimezoneOffset(DateTime date) {
//    DateTime utc = new DateTime.utc(date.year, date.month, date.day, date.hour, date.minute, date.second, date.millisecond);
//    return (date.millisecondsSinceEpoch - utc.millisecondsSinceEpoch) ~/ 60000;
//  }

  * Set ambiguous year field. This flag indicates that a 2 digit years's
  * century need to be determined by its date/time value. This can only be
  * resolved after its date/time is known.
  * @param ambiguousYear true if it is ambiguous year.
 void setAmbiguousYear(bool ambiguousYear) {
   this.ambiguousYear = ambiguousYear;

  * Set morning/afternoon field.
  * @param ampm ampm value.
 void setAmpm(int ampm) {
   this.ampm = ampm;

  * Set dayOfMonth field.
  * @param day dayOfMonth value
 void setDayOfMonth(int day) {
   this.dayOfMonth = day;

  * Set dayOfWeek field.
  * @param dayOfWeek day of the week.
 void setDayOfWeek(int dayOfWeek) {
   this.dayOfWeek = dayOfWeek;

  * Set Era field.
  * @param era era value being set.
 void setEra(int era) {
   this.era = era;

  * Set hour field.
  * @param hours hour value.
 void setHours(int hours) {
   this.hours = hours;

  * Set milliseconds field.
  * @param milliseconds milliseconds value.
 void setMilliseconds(int milliseconds) {
   this.millisecond = milliseconds;

  * Set minute field.
  * @param minutes minute value.
 void setMinutes(int minutes) {
   this.minutes = minutes;

  * Set month field.
  * @param month month value.
 void setMonth(int month) {
   this.month = month;

  * Set seconds field.
  * @param seconds second value.
 void setSeconds(int seconds) {
   this.seconds = seconds;

  * Set timezone offset, in minutes.
  * @param tzOffset timezone offset.
 void setTzOffset(int tzOffset) {
   this.tzOffset = tzOffset;

  * Set year field.
  * @param value year value.
 void setYear(int value) {
   this.year = value;

Static Properties

final int AM #

static final int AM = 0

const int MIN_VALUE #

static const int MIN_VALUE = -2147483648

final int PM #

static final int PM = 1


new DateRecord() #

Initialize DateExt object with default value. Here we use -1 for most of the field to indicate that field is not set.



bool ambiguousYear #

bool ambiguousYear = false

int ampm #

int ampm = -1

int dayOfMonth #

int dayOfMonth = -1

int dayOfWeek #

int dayOfWeek = -1

int era #

int era = -1

int hours #

int hours = -1

int millisecond #

int millisecond = -1

int minutes #

int minutes = -1

int month #

int month = -1

int seconds #

int seconds = -1

int tzOffset #

int tzOffset = MIN_VALUE

int year #

int year = MIN_VALUE


bool calcDate(DateTime date, bool strict) #

calcDate uses all the field available so far to fill a Date object. For those information that is not provided, the existing value in 'date' will be kept. Ambiguous year will be resolved after the date/time values are resolved.

If the strict option is set to true, calcDate will calculate certain invalid dates by wrapping around as needed. For example, February 30 will wrap to March 2.

@param date The Date object being filled. Its value should be set to an

     acceptable default before pass in to this method

@param strict true to be strict when parsing @return true if successful, otherwise false.

bool calcDate(DateTime date, bool strict) {
 // Year 0 is 1 BC, and so on.
 if (this.era == 0 && this.year > 0) {
   this.year = -(this.year - 1);

 int _year;
 if (this.year > MIN_VALUE) {
   _year /* date.year */ = this.year - _JS_START_YEAR;

 // "setMonth" and "setDate" is a little bit tricky. Suppose content in
 // date is 11/30, switch month to 02 will lead to 03/02 since 02/30 does
 // not exist. And you certain won't like 02/12 turn out to be 03/12. So
 // here to set date to a smaller number before month, and later setMonth.
 // Real date is set after, and that might cause month switch. However,
 // that's desired.
 int orgDayOfMonth = date.day;
 int _day = 1; //date.day = 1;

 int _month;
 if (this.month >= 0) {
   _month /* date.month */ = this.month;

 if (this.dayOfMonth >= 0) {
   _day /* date.day */ = this.dayOfMonth;
 } else if (this.month >= 0) {
   // If the month was parsed but dayOfMonth was not, then the current day of
   // the month shouldn't affect the parsed month. For example, if "Feb2006"
   // is parse on January 31, the resulting date should be in February, not
   // March. So, we limit the day of the month to the maximum day within the
   // parsed month.
   DateTime tmp = new DateTime(date.year, date.month, 35);
   int daysInCurrentMonth = 35 - tmp.day;
   _day /* date.day */ = dart_math.min(daysInCurrentMonth, orgDayOfMonth);
 } else {
   _day /* date.day */ = orgDayOfMonth;

 // adjust ampm
 if (this.hours < 0) {
   this.hours = date.hour;

 if (this.ampm > 0) {
   if (this.hours < 12) {
     this.hours += 12;
 int _hour /* date.hour */ = this.hours;

 int _minute;
 if (this.minutes >= 0) {
   _minute /* date.minute */ = this.minutes;

 int _second;
 if (this.seconds >= 0) {
   _second /* date.second */ = this.seconds;

 int _millisecond;
 if (this.millisecond >= 0) {
   //date.setTime(date.time / 1000 * 1000 + this.milliseconds);
   _millisecond = date.millisecond ~/ 1000000 + this.millisecond;

 date = new DateTime(_year, _month, _day, _hour, _minute, _second, _millisecond);

 // If strict, verify that the original date fields match the calculated date
 // fields. We do this before we set the timezone offset, which will skew all
 // of the dates.
 // We don't need to check the day of week as it is guaranteed to be correct
 // or return false below.
 if (strict) {
   if ((this.year > MIN_VALUE)
       && ((this.year - _JS_START_YEAR) != date.year)) {
     return false;
   if ((this.month >= 0) && (this.month != date.month)) {
     return false;
   if ((this.dayOfMonth >= 0) && (this.dayOfMonth != date.day)) {
     return false;
   // Times have well defined maximums
   if (this.hours >= 24) {
     return false;
   if (this.minutes >= 60) {
     return false;
   if (this.seconds >= 60) {
     return false;
   if (this.millisecond >= 1000) {
     return false;

 // Resolve ambiguous year if needed.
 if (this.ambiguousYear) { // the two-digit year == the default start year
   DateTime defaultCenturyStart = new DateTime.now();
   //defaultCenturyStart.year = defaultCenturyStart.year - 80;
   defaultCenturyStart = new DateTime(defaultCenturyStart.year - 80, defaultCenturyStart.month, defaultCenturyStart.day, defaultCenturyStart.hour, defaultCenturyStart.minute, defaultCenturyStart.second, defaultCenturyStart.millisecond);

   if (date.isBefore(defaultCenturyStart)) {
     //date.year = defaultCenturyStart.year + 100;
     date = new DateTime(defaultCenturyStart.year + 100, _month, _day, _hour, _minute, _second, _millisecond);

 // Date is resolved to the nearest dayOfWeek if date is not explicitly
 // specified. There is one exception, if the nearest dayOfWeek falls
 // into a different month, the 2nd nearest dayOfWeek, which is on the
 // other direction, will be used.
 if (this.dayOfWeek >= 0) {
   if (this.dayOfMonth == -1) {
     // Adjust to the nearest day of the week.
     int adjustment = (7 + this.dayOfWeek - date.day) % 7;
     if (adjustment > 3) {
       adjustment -= 7;
     int orgMonth = date.month;
     _day /* date.day */ = date.day + adjustment;

     // If the nearest weekday fall into a different month, we will use the
     // 2nd nearest weekday, which will be on the other direction, and is
     // sure fall into the same month.
     if (date.month != orgMonth) {
       _day /* date.day */ = _day /* date.day */ + (adjustment > 0 ? -7 : 7);

     date = new DateTime(date.year, date.month, _day, date.hour, date.minute, date.second, date.millisecond);

   } else {
     if (date.day != this.dayOfWeek) {
       return false;

 // Adjust time zone.
 if (this.tzOffset > MIN_VALUE) {
   //int offset = getTimezoneOffset(date);
   //date.setTime(date.getTime() + (this.tzOffset - offset) * 60 * 1000);
   date = new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(date.millisecondsSinceEpoch, isUtc:true);
   // HBJ date.setTime(date.getTime() + this.tzOffset * 60 * 1000);

 return true;

void setAmbiguousYear(bool ambiguousYear) #

Set ambiguous year field. This flag indicates that a 2 digit years's century need to be determined by its date/time value. This can only be resolved after its date/time is known.

@param ambiguousYear true if it is ambiguous year.

void setAmbiguousYear(bool ambiguousYear) {
 this.ambiguousYear = ambiguousYear;

void setAmpm(int ampm) #

Set morning/afternoon field.

@param ampm ampm value.

void setAmpm(int ampm) {
 this.ampm = ampm;

void setDayOfMonth(int day) #

Set dayOfMonth field.

@param day dayOfMonth value

void setDayOfMonth(int day) {
 this.dayOfMonth = day;

void setDayOfWeek(int dayOfWeek) #

Set dayOfWeek field.

@param dayOfWeek day of the week.

void setDayOfWeek(int dayOfWeek) {
 this.dayOfWeek = dayOfWeek;

void setEra(int era) #

Set Era field.

@param era era value being set.

void setEra(int era) {
 this.era = era;

void setHours(int hours) #

Set hour field.

@param hours hour value.

void setHours(int hours) {
 this.hours = hours;

void setMilliseconds(int milliseconds) #

Set milliseconds field.

@param milliseconds milliseconds value.

void setMilliseconds(int milliseconds) {
 this.millisecond = milliseconds;

void setMinutes(int minutes) #

Set minute field.

@param minutes minute value.

void setMinutes(int minutes) {
 this.minutes = minutes;

void setMonth(int month) #

Set month field.

@param month month value.

void setMonth(int month) {
 this.month = month;

void setSeconds(int seconds) #

Set seconds field.

@param seconds second value.

void setSeconds(int seconds) {
 this.seconds = seconds;

void setTzOffset(int tzOffset) #

Set timezone offset, in minutes.

@param tzOffset timezone offset.

void setTzOffset(int tzOffset) {
 this.tzOffset = tzOffset;

void setYear(int value) #

Set year field.

@param value year value.

void setYear(int value) {
 this.year = value;