API Reference 0.3.24dart_web_toolkit_i18nDateTimeFormatInfo

DateTimeFormatInfo abstract class

Information required for formatting and parsing localized date/time values.

Implementors should subclass {@link DefaultDateTimeFormatInfo} so when methods are added they will get reasonable defaults and not break. See the same class for example values returned by these methods.

abstract class DateTimeFormatInfo {
  * Returns array of strings containing abbreviations for Ante Meridiem and
  * Post Meridiem.
 List<String> ampms();

  * Returns a safe default date format.
 String dateFormat();

  * Returns a "full" date format.
 String dateFormatFull();

  * Returns a "long" date format.
 String dateFormatLong();

  * Returns a "medium" date format.
 String dateFormatMedium();

  * Returns a "short" date format.
 String dateFormatShort();

  * Returns a date/time format from a date format pattern and a time format
  * pattern, using the locale default joining.
  * @param timePattern the time pattern String
  * @param datePattern the data pattern String
 String dateTime(String timePattern, String datePattern);

  * Returns a date/time format from a date format pattern and a time format
  * pattern, using "full" joining.
  * @param timePattern the time pattern String
  * @param datePattern the data pattern String
 String dateTimeFull(String timePattern, String datePattern);

  * Returns a date/time format from a date format pattern and a time format
  * pattern, using "full" joining.
  * @param timePattern the time pattern String
  * @param datePattern the data pattern String
 String dateTimeLong(String timePattern, String datePattern);

  * Returns a date/time format from a date format pattern and a time format
  * pattern, using "full" joining.
  * @param timePattern the time pattern String
  * @param datePattern the data pattern String
 String dateTimeMedium(String timePattern, String datePattern);

  * Returns a date/time format from a date format pattern and a time format
  * pattern, using "full" joining.
  * @param timePattern the time pattern String
  * @param datePattern the data pattern String
 String dateTimeShort(String timePattern, String datePattern);

  * Returns an array of the full era names.
 List<String> erasFull();

  * Returns abbreviations of the era names.
 List<String> erasShort();

  * Returns the day which generally comes first in a weekly calendar view, as
  * an index into the return value of {@link #weekdaysFull()}.
 int firstDayOfTheWeek();

  * Returns localized format equivalent to the "d" skeleton pattern.
 String formatDay();

  * Returns localized format equivalent to the "hm" skeleton pattern.
 String formatHour12Minute();

  * Returns localized format equivalent to the "hms" skeleton pattern.
 String formatHour12MinuteSecond();

  * Returns localized format equivalent to the "Hm" skeleton pattern.
 String formatHour24Minute();

  * Returns localized format equivalent to the "Hms" skeleton pattern.
 String formatHour24MinuteSecond();

  * Returns localized format equivalent to the "ms" skeleton pattern.
 String formatMinuteSecond();

  * Returns localized format equivalent to the "MMM" skeleton pattern.
 String formatMonthAbbrev();

  * Returns localized format equivalent to the "MMMd" skeleton pattern.
 String formatMonthAbbrevDay();

  * Returns localized format equivalent to the "MMMM" skeleton pattern.
 String formatMonthFull();

  * Returns localized format equivalent to the "MMMMd" skeleton pattern.
 String formatMonthFullDay();

  * Returns localized format equivalent to the "MMMMEEEEd" skeleton pattern.
 String formatMonthFullWeekdayDay();

  * Returns localized format equivalent to the "Md" skeleton pattern.
 String formatMonthNumDay();

  * Returns localized format equivalent to the "y" skeleton pattern.
 String formatYear();

  * Returns localized format equivalent to the "yMMM" skeleton pattern.
 String formatYearMonthAbbrev();

  * Returns localized format equivalent to the "yMMMd" skeleton pattern.
 String formatYearMonthAbbrevDay();

  * Returns localized format equivalent to the "yMMMM" skeleton pattern.
 String formatYearMonthFull();

  * Returns localized format equivalent to the "yMMMMd" skeleton pattern.
 String formatYearMonthFullDay();

  * Returns localized format equivalent to the "yM" skeleton pattern.
 String formatYearMonthNum();

  * Returns localized format equivalent to the "yMd" skeleton pattern.
 String formatYearMonthNumDay();

  * Returns localized format equivalent to the "yMMMEEEd" skeleton pattern.
 String formatYearMonthWeekdayDay();

  * Returns localized format equivalent to the "yQQQQ" skeleton pattern.
 String formatYearQuarterFull();

  * Returns localized format equivalent to the "yQ" skeleton pattern.
 String formatYearQuarterShort();

  * Returns an array of full month names.
 List<String> monthsFull();

  * Returns an array of month names for use in a stand-alone context.
 List<String> monthsFullStandalone();

  * Returns an array of the shortest abbreviations for months, typically a
  * single character and not guaranteed to be unique.
 List<String> monthsNarrow();

  * Returns an array of the shortest abbreviations for months suitable for use
  * in a stand-alone context, typically a single character and not guaranteed
  * to be unique.
 List<String> monthsNarrowStandalone();

  * Returns an array of month abbreviations.
 List<String> monthsShort();

  * Returns an array of month abbreviations, suitable for use in a stand-alone
  * context.
 List<String> monthsShortStandalone();

  * Returns an array of full quarter names.
 List<String> quartersFull();

  * Returns an array of abbreviations for quarters.
 List<String> quartersShort();

  * Returns a safe default time format.
 String timeFormat();

  * Returns a "full" time format.
 String timeFormatFull();

  * Returns a "long" time format.
 String timeFormatLong();

  * Returns a "medium" time format.
 String timeFormatMedium();

  * Returns a "short" time format.
 String timeFormatShort();

  * Returns an array of the full names of weekdays.
 List<String> weekdaysFull();

  * Returns an array of the full names of weekdays, suitable for use in a
  * stand-alone context.
 List<String> weekdaysFullStandalone();

  * Returns an array of the shortest abbreviations for weekdays, typically a
  * single character and not guaranteed to be unique.
 List<String> weekdaysNarrow();

  * Returns an array of the shortest abbreviations for weekdays suitable for
  * use in a stand-alone context, typically a single character and not
  * guaranteed to be unique.
 List<String> weekdaysNarrowStandalone();

  * Returns an array of abbreviations for weekdays.
 List<String> weekdaysShort();

  * Returns an array of abbreviations for weekdays, suitable for use in a
  * stand-alone context.
 List<String> weekdaysShortStandalone();

  * Returns the day which ends the weekend, as an index into the return value
  * of {@link #weekdaysFull()}.
  * <p>Note that this value may be numerically less than
  * {@link #weekendStart()} - for example, {@link #weekendStart()} of 6 and
  * {@link #weekendEnd()} of 0 means Saturday and Sunday are the weekend.
 int weekendEnd();

  * Returns the day which starts the weekend, as an index into the return value
  * of {@link #weekdaysFull()}.
 int weekendStart();




abstract List<String> ampms() #

Returns array of strings containing abbreviations for Ante Meridiem and Post Meridiem.

abstract String dateFormat() #

Returns a safe default date format.

abstract String dateFormatFull() #

Returns a "full" date format.

abstract String dateFormatLong() #

Returns a "long" date format.

abstract String dateFormatMedium() #

Returns a "medium" date format.

abstract String dateFormatShort() #

Returns a "short" date format.

abstract String dateTime(String timePattern, String datePattern) #

Returns a date/time format from a date format pattern and a time format pattern, using the locale default joining.

@param timePattern the time pattern String @param datePattern the data pattern String

abstract String dateTimeFull(String timePattern, String datePattern) #

Returns a date/time format from a date format pattern and a time format pattern, using "full" joining.

@param timePattern the time pattern String @param datePattern the data pattern String

abstract String dateTimeLong(String timePattern, String datePattern) #

Returns a date/time format from a date format pattern and a time format pattern, using "full" joining.

@param timePattern the time pattern String @param datePattern the data pattern String

abstract String dateTimeMedium(String timePattern, String datePattern) #

Returns a date/time format from a date format pattern and a time format pattern, using "full" joining.

@param timePattern the time pattern String @param datePattern the data pattern String

abstract String dateTimeShort(String timePattern, String datePattern) #

Returns a date/time format from a date format pattern and a time format pattern, using "full" joining.

@param timePattern the time pattern String @param datePattern the data pattern String

abstract List<String> erasFull() #

Returns an array of the full era names.

abstract List<String> erasShort() #

Returns abbreviations of the era names.

abstract int firstDayOfTheWeek() #

Returns the day which generally comes first in a weekly calendar view, as an index into the return value of {@link #weekdaysFull()}.

abstract String formatDay() #

Returns localized format equivalent to the "d" skeleton pattern.

abstract String formatHour12Minute() #

Returns localized format equivalent to the "hm" skeleton pattern.

abstract String formatHour12MinuteSecond() #

Returns localized format equivalent to the "hms" skeleton pattern.

abstract String formatHour24Minute() #

Returns localized format equivalent to the "Hm" skeleton pattern.

abstract String formatHour24MinuteSecond() #

Returns localized format equivalent to the "Hms" skeleton pattern.

abstract String formatMinuteSecond() #

Returns localized format equivalent to the "ms" skeleton pattern.

abstract String formatMonthAbbrev() #

Returns localized format equivalent to the "MMM" skeleton pattern.

abstract String formatMonthAbbrevDay() #

Returns localized format equivalent to the "MMMd" skeleton pattern.

abstract String formatMonthFull() #

Returns localized format equivalent to the "MMMM" skeleton pattern.

abstract String formatMonthFullDay() #

Returns localized format equivalent to the "MMMMd" skeleton pattern.

abstract String formatMonthFullWeekdayDay() #

Returns localized format equivalent to the "MMMMEEEEd" skeleton pattern.

abstract String formatMonthNumDay() #

Returns localized format equivalent to the "Md" skeleton pattern.

abstract String formatYear() #

Returns localized format equivalent to the "y" skeleton pattern.

abstract String formatYearMonthAbbrev() #

Returns localized format equivalent to the "yMMM" skeleton pattern.

abstract String formatYearMonthAbbrevDay() #

Returns localized format equivalent to the "yMMMd" skeleton pattern.

abstract String formatYearMonthFull() #

Returns localized format equivalent to the "yMMMM" skeleton pattern.

abstract String formatYearMonthFullDay() #

Returns localized format equivalent to the "yMMMMd" skeleton pattern.

abstract String formatYearMonthNum() #

Returns localized format equivalent to the "yM" skeleton pattern.

abstract String formatYearMonthNumDay() #

Returns localized format equivalent to the "yMd" skeleton pattern.

abstract String formatYearMonthWeekdayDay() #

Returns localized format equivalent to the "yMMMEEEd" skeleton pattern.

abstract String formatYearQuarterFull() #

Returns localized format equivalent to the "yQQQQ" skeleton pattern.

abstract String formatYearQuarterShort() #

Returns localized format equivalent to the "yQ" skeleton pattern.

abstract List<String> monthsFull() #

Returns an array of full month names.

abstract List<String> monthsFullStandalone() #

Returns an array of month names for use in a stand-alone context.

abstract List<String> monthsNarrow() #

Returns an array of the shortest abbreviations for months, typically a single character and not guaranteed to be unique.

abstract List<String> monthsNarrowStandalone() #

Returns an array of the shortest abbreviations for months suitable for use in a stand-alone context, typically a single character and not guaranteed to be unique.

abstract List<String> monthsShort() #

Returns an array of month abbreviations.

abstract List<String> monthsShortStandalone() #

Returns an array of month abbreviations, suitable for use in a stand-alone context.

abstract List<String> quartersFull() #

Returns an array of full quarter names.

abstract List<String> quartersShort() #

Returns an array of abbreviations for quarters.

abstract String timeFormat() #

Returns a safe default time format.

abstract String timeFormatFull() #

Returns a "full" time format.

abstract String timeFormatLong() #

Returns a "long" time format.

abstract String timeFormatMedium() #

Returns a "medium" time format.

abstract String timeFormatShort() #

Returns a "short" time format.

abstract List<String> weekdaysFull() #

Returns an array of the full names of weekdays.

abstract List<String> weekdaysFullStandalone() #

Returns an array of the full names of weekdays, suitable for use in a stand-alone context.

abstract List<String> weekdaysNarrow() #

Returns an array of the shortest abbreviations for weekdays, typically a single character and not guaranteed to be unique.

abstract List<String> weekdaysNarrowStandalone() #

Returns an array of the shortest abbreviations for weekdays suitable for use in a stand-alone context, typically a single character and not guaranteed to be unique.

abstract List<String> weekdaysShort() #

Returns an array of abbreviations for weekdays.

abstract List<String> weekdaysShortStandalone() #

Returns an array of abbreviations for weekdays, suitable for use in a stand-alone context.

abstract int weekendEnd() #

Returns the day which ends the weekend, as an index into the return value of {@link #weekdaysFull()}.

Note that this value may be numerically less than {@link #weekendStart()} - for example, {@link #weekendStart()} of 6 and {@link #weekendEnd()} of 0 means Saturday and Sunday are the weekend.

abstract int weekendStart() #

Returns the day which starts the weekend, as an index into the return value of {@link #weekdaysFull()}.