API Reference 0.3.24dart_web_toolkit_i18nDictionary

Dictionary class

Provides dynamic string lookup of key/value string pairs defined in server side JSON file.

Unlike the family of interfaces that extend [Localizable] which support static internationalization, the Dictionary class is fully dynamic. As a result, a variety of error conditions (particularly those involving key mismatches) cannot be caught until runtime. Similarly, the DWT compiler is unable discard unused dictionary values since the structure cannot be statically analyzed.

A Caveat Regarding Locale

The JSON file completely determines the mappings defined for each dictionary without regard to the locale client property. Thus, Dictionary is the most flexible of the internationalization types and may provide the simplest form of integration with existing localization systems which were not specifically designed to use DWT's locale client property.

See [Localizable] for background on the locale client property.

class Dictionary {

 static Map<String, Dictionary> _cache = new Map<String, Dictionary>();

  * Returns the <code>Dictionary</code> object associated with the given
  * [url].
 static Future<Dictionary> getDictionary(String url) {
   Completer<Dictionary> completer = new Completer<Dictionary>();
   Dictionary target = _cache[url];
   if (target == null) {
     target = new Dictionary._internal(completer, url);
     _cache[url] = target;
   } else {
   return completer.future;

  * Dictionary pairs.
 Map<String, String> _dict;

  * Name of dictionary.
 String _label;
  * Constructor for <code>Dictionary</code>.
 Dictionary._internal(Completer<Dictionary> completer, String url) {
   if (url == null || "" == url) {
     throw new Exception("Cannot create a Dictionary with a null or empty url");
   this._label = "Dictionary $url";
   Future<Map> data =_read(url);
   data.catchError((Object error){
     completer.completeError(new Exception(error.toString()));
   data.then((Map<String, String> pairs){
     _dict = pairs;

  * Get the value associated with the given Dictionary [key].
 String get(String key) {
   assert(key != null);
   if (_dict == null) {
     throw new Exception("Dictionary has not been created.");
   } else {
     if (_dict.containsKey(key)) {
       return _dict[key];
     } else {
       throw new Exception("Cannot find '$key' in ${this.toString()}");

  * The set of keys associated with this dictionary.
 Set<String> keySet() {
   if (_dict == null) {
     throw new Exception("Dictionary has not been created.");
   } else {
     Set<String> s = new Set<String>.from(_dict.keys);
     return s;

 String toString() {
   return _label;

  * Collection of values associated with this dictionary.
 List<String> values() {
   if (_dict == null) {
     throw new Exception("Dictionary has not been created.");
   } else {
     List<String> s = new List<String>.from(_dict.values);
     return s;

  * Read JSON file from [url], parse it and return as future. 
 Future<Map> _read(String url) {
   Future<String> input = dart_html.HttpRequest.getString('$url');
   Future<Map<String, String>> data = input.then((String jsonString){
     // Parse input json string to map
     return json.parse(jsonString);
   return data;

Static Methods

Future<Dictionary> getDictionary(String url) #

Returns the <code>Dictionary</code> object associated with the given url.

static Future<Dictionary> getDictionary(String url) {
 Completer<Dictionary> completer = new Completer<Dictionary>();
 Dictionary target = _cache[url];
 if (target == null) {
   target = new Dictionary._internal(completer, url);
   _cache[url] = target;
 } else {
 return completer.future;


String get(String key) #

Get the value associated with the given Dictionary key.

String get(String key) {
 assert(key != null);
 if (_dict == null) {
   throw new Exception("Dictionary has not been created.");
 } else {
   if (_dict.containsKey(key)) {
     return _dict[key];
   } else {
     throw new Exception("Cannot find '$key' in ${this.toString()}");

Set<String> keySet() #

The set of keys associated with this dictionary.

Set<String> keySet() {
 if (_dict == null) {
   throw new Exception("Dictionary has not been created.");
 } else {
   Set<String> s = new Set<String>.from(_dict.keys);
   return s;

String toString() #

Returns a string representation of this object.

docs inherited from Object
String toString() {
 return _label;

List<String> values() #

Collection of values associated with this dictionary.

List<String> values() {
 if (_dict == null) {
   throw new Exception("Dictionary has not been created.");
 } else {
   List<String> s = new List<String>.from(_dict.values);
   return s;