API Reference 0.3.24dart_web_toolkit_i18nHasAutoHorizontalAlignment

HasAutoHorizontalAlignment abstract class

A widget that implements this interface can be configured to be aligned according to its contents' direction, in addition to the static alignment options offered by {@link HasHorizontalAlignment}.

abstract class HasAutoHorizontalAlignment extends HasHorizontalAlignment {
  * Specifies that the widget's contents should be aligned left for LTR
  * content, right for RTL content, and if the content's direction is DEFAULT,
  * like {@link #ALIGN_LOCALE_START}.
 static const AutoHorizontalAlignmentConstant ALIGN_CONTENT_START = const AutoHorizontalAlignmentConstant.internal();

  * Specifies that the widget's contents should be aligned right for LTR
  * content, left for RTL content, and if the content's direction is DEFAULT,
  * like {@link #ALIGN_LOCALE_END}.
 static const AutoHorizontalAlignmentConstant ALIGN_CONTENT_END = const AutoHorizontalAlignmentConstant.internal();

  * Gets the horizontal auto-alignment setting. This may be one of the
  * auto-alignment values above that depend on content direction (e.g.
  * {@link HasAutoHorizontalAlignment#ALIGN_CONTENT_START}), or one of the
  * "static" {@link HasHorizontalAlignment.HorizontalAlignmentConstant}
  * alignment values (e.g. {@link HasHorizontalAlignment#ALIGN_LOCALE_START}).
  * It may be set by either {@code setAutoHorizontalAlignment} or {@code
  * HasHorizontalAlignment#setHorizontalAlignment}. The default is null,
  * indicating that no specific horizontal alignment has been set, allowing it
  * to be determined by the usual HTML and CSS mechanisms.
  * @return the current automatic horizontal alignment policy.
 AutoHorizontalAlignmentConstant getAutoHorizontalAlignment();

  * Sets the horizontal alignment, allowing in addition to the "static"
  * {@link HasHorizontalAlignment.HorizontalAlignmentConstant} values, the
  * "automatic" {@link HasHorizontalAlignment.AutoHorizontalAlignmentConstant}
  * values that depend on the content direction. Determines the values returned
  * by both {@link #getAutoHorizontalAlignment} and
  * {@link HasHorizontalAlignment#getHorizontalAlignment()}.
  * <p> For the {@code ALIGN_CONTENT_START} and {@code ALIGN_CONTENT_END}
  * values, sets the horizontal alignment (including the value of {@code
  * HasHorizontalAlignment#getHorizontalAlignment()}) to the start or end edge
  * of the current content's direction, respectively, and continues to
  * automatically update it whenever the content direction changes.
  * <p> For other values, operates like {@link #setHorizontalAlignment}.
  * <p> For {@code null}, the horizontal alignment is cleared, allowing it to
  * be determined by the standard HTML mechanisms such as inheritance and CSS
  * rules.
  * @see HasHorizontalAlignment
  * @param autoHorizontalAlignment the new automatic horizontal alignment
  *        policy
 void setAutoHorizontalAlignment(AutoHorizontalAlignmentConstant autoHorizontalAlignment);


HasHorizontalAlignment > HasAutoHorizontalAlignment



Static Properties

const AutoHorizontalAlignmentConstant ALIGN_CONTENT_END #

Specifies that the widget's contents should be aligned right for LTR content, left for RTL content, and if the content's direction is DEFAULT, like {@link #ALIGNLOCALEEND}.

static const AutoHorizontalAlignmentConstant ALIGN_CONTENT_END = const AutoHorizontalAlignmentConstant.internal()

const AutoHorizontalAlignmentConstant ALIGN_CONTENT_START #

Specifies that the widget's contents should be aligned left for LTR content, right for RTL content, and if the content's direction is DEFAULT, like {@link #ALIGNLOCALESTART}.

static const AutoHorizontalAlignmentConstant ALIGN_CONTENT_START = const AutoHorizontalAlignmentConstant.internal()


abstract AutoHorizontalAlignmentConstant getAutoHorizontalAlignment() #

Gets the horizontal auto-alignment setting. This may be one of the auto-alignment values above that depend on content direction (e.g. {@link HasAutoHorizontalAlignment#ALIGNCONTENTSTART}), or one of the "static" {@link HasHorizontalAlignment.HorizontalAlignmentConstant} alignment values (e.g. {@link HasHorizontalAlignment#ALIGNLOCALESTART}). It may be set by either {@code setAutoHorizontalAlignment} or {@code HasHorizontalAlignment#setHorizontalAlignment}. The default is null, indicating that no specific horizontal alignment has been set, allowing it to be determined by the usual HTML and CSS mechanisms.

@return the current automatic horizontal alignment policy.

abstract HorizontalAlignmentConstant getHorizontalAlignment() #

inherited from HasHorizontalAlignment

Gets the horizontal alignment.

@return the current horizontal alignment (

    {@link HasHorizontalAlignment#ALIGN_LEFT},
    {@link HasHorizontalAlignment#ALIGN_CENTER},
    {@link HasHorizontalAlignment#ALIGN_RIGHT},
    {@link HasHorizontalAlignment#ALIGN_JUSTIFY}, or

abstract void setAutoHorizontalAlignment(AutoHorizontalAlignmentConstant autoHorizontalAlignment) #

Sets the horizontal alignment, allowing in addition to the "static" {@link HasHorizontalAlignment.HorizontalAlignmentConstant} values, the "automatic" {@link HasHorizontalAlignment.AutoHorizontalAlignmentConstant} values that depend on the content direction. Determines the values returned by both {@link #getAutoHorizontalAlignment} and {@link HasHorizontalAlignment#getHorizontalAlignment()}. <p> For the {@code ALIGNCONTENTSTART} and {@code ALIGNCONTENTEND} values, sets the horizontal alignment (including the value of {@code HasHorizontalAlignment#getHorizontalAlignment()}) to the start or end edge of the current content's direction, respectively, and continues to automatically update it whenever the content direction changes. <p> For other values, operates like {@link #setHorizontalAlignment}. <p> For {@code null}, the horizontal alignment is cleared, allowing it to be determined by the standard HTML mechanisms such as inheritance and CSS rules. @see HasHorizontalAlignment

@param autoHorizontalAlignment the new automatic horizontal alignment


abstract void setHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignmentConstant align) #

inherited from HasHorizontalAlignment

Sets the horizontal alignment. <p> Use {@code null} to clear horizontal alignment, allowing it to be determined by the standard HTML mechanisms such as inheritance and CSS rules.

@param align the horizontal alignment (

    {@link HasHorizontalAlignment#ALIGN_LEFT},
    {@link HasHorizontalAlignment#ALIGN_CENTER},
    {@link HasHorizontalAlignment#ALIGN_RIGHT},
    {@link HasHorizontalAlignment#ALIGN_JUSTIFY},
    {@link HasHorizontalAlignment#ALIGN_LOCALE_START}, or
    {@link HasHorizontalAlignment#ALIGN_LOCALE_END}).