API Reference 0.3.24dart_web_toolkit_resourceRepeatStyle<int>

RepeatStyle<int> class

Indicates that an ImageResource should be bundled in such a way as to support horizontal or vertical repetition.

class RepeatStyle<int> extends Enum<int> {
 const RepeatStyle(int type) : super (type);
  * The image is not intended to be tiled.
 static const RepeatStyle None = const RepeatStyle(0);

  * The image is intended to be tiled horizontally.
 static const RepeatStyle Horizontal = const RepeatStyle(1);

  * The image is intended to be tiled vertically.
 static const RepeatStyle Vertical = const RepeatStyle(2);

  * The image is intended to be tiled both horizontally and vertically. Note
  * that this will prevent compositing of the particular image in most cases.
 static const RepeatStyle Both = const RepeatStyle(3);


Enum<int> > RepeatStyle<int>

Static Properties

const RepeatStyle Both #

The image is intended to be tiled both horizontally and vertically. Note that this will prevent compositing of the particular image in most cases.

static const RepeatStyle Both = const RepeatStyle(3)

const RepeatStyle Horizontal #

The image is intended to be tiled horizontally.

static const RepeatStyle Horizontal = const RepeatStyle(1)

const RepeatStyle None #

The image is not intended to be tiled.

static const RepeatStyle None = const RepeatStyle(0)

const RepeatStyle Vertical #

The image is intended to be tiled vertically.

static const RepeatStyle Vertical = const RepeatStyle(2)


const RepeatStyle(int type) #

Creates a new Object instance.

Object instances have no meaningful state, and are only useful through their identity. An Object instance is equal to itself only.

docs inherited from Object
const RepeatStyle(int type) : super (type);


final T value #

inherited from Enum
T get value => _value;