API Reference 0.3.24dart_web_toolkit_schedulerSchedulerImpl

SchedulerImpl class

This is used by Scheduler to collaborate with Impl in order to have FinallyCommands executed.

class SchedulerImpl extends Scheduler {

  * The delay between flushing the task queues.
 static const int _FLUSHER_DELAY = 1;

  * The delay between checking up on SSW problems.
 static const int _RESCUE_DELAY = 50;

  * The amount of time that we're willing to spend executing
  * IncrementalCommands.
 static int _TIME_SLICE = 100;

  * Provides lazy-init pattern for the task queues.
 static List<Task> _push(List<Task> queue, Task task) {
   if (queue == null) {
     queue = _createQueue();
   return queue;

  * Extract boilerplate code.
 static List<Task> _createQueue() {
   return new List<Task>();

 static void _scheduleFixedDelayImpl(RepeatingCommand cmd, int delayMs) {
   Caleer caleer = new Caleer();
   caleer.timeoutHandler = () {
     if (cmd.execute()) {
       new dart_async.Timer(new Duration(milliseconds:delayMs), caleer.timeoutHandler);
   caleer.handle = new dart_async.Timer(new Duration(milliseconds:delayMs), caleer.timeoutHandler);

 static void _scheduleFixedPeriodImpl(RepeatingCommand cmd, int delayMs) {
   Caleer caleer = new Caleer();
   caleer.timeoutHandler = () {
     if (!cmd.execute()) {
       // Either canceled or threw an exception
   caleer.handle = new dart_async.Timer.periodic(new Duration(milliseconds:delayMs), (dart_async.Timer t){


 static SchedulerImpl _instance;

  * Use a GWT.create() here to make it simple to hijack the default
  * implementation.
 factory SchedulerImpl.Instance() {
   if (_instance == null) {
     _instance = new SchedulerImpl();
   return _instance;

  * A RepeatingCommand that calls flushPostEventPumpCommands(). It repeats if
  * there are any outstanding deferred or incremental commands.
 Flusher flusher;

  * This provides some backup for the main flusher task in case it gets shut
  * down by a slow-script warning.
 Rescuer rescue;

  * Work queues. Timers store their state on the function, so we don't need to
  * track them. They are not final so that we don't have to shorten them.
  * Processing the values in the queues is a one-shot, and then the array is
  * discarded.
 List<Task> deferredCommands;
 List<Task> entryCommands;
 List<Task> finallyCommands;
 List<Task> incrementalCommands;

  * These two flags are used to control the state of the flusher and rescuer
  * commands.
 bool _flushRunning = false;
 bool _shouldBeRunning = false;


 void maybeSchedulePostEventPumpCommands() {
   if (!_shouldBeRunning) {
     _shouldBeRunning = true;

     if (flusher == null) {
       flusher = new Flusher(this);
     _scheduleFixedDelayImpl(flusher, _FLUSHER_DELAY);

     if (rescue == null) {
       rescue = new Rescuer(this);
     _scheduleFixedDelayImpl(rescue, _RESCUE_DELAY);

 // Implementation of Scheduler

  * A deferred command is executed after the browser event loop returns.
 void scheduleDeferred(ScheduledCommand cmd) {
   deferredCommands = _push(deferredCommands, new Task.fromScheduledCommand(cmd));

  * An "entry" command will be executed before GWT-generated code is invoked by
  * the browser's event loop. The {@link RepeatingCommand} will be called once
  * per entry from the event loop until <code>false</code> is returned. This
  * type of command is appropriate for instrumentation or code that needs to
  * know when "something happens."
  * <p>
  * If an entry command schedules another entry command, the second command
  * will be executed before control flow continues to the GWT-generated code.
 void scheduleRepeatingEntry(RepeatingCommand cmd) {
   entryCommands = _push(entryCommands, new Task.fromRepeatingCommand(cmd));

  * An "entry" command will be executed before GWT-generated code is invoked by
  * the browser's event loop. This type of command is appropriate for code that
  * needs to know when "something happens."
  * <p>
  * If an entry command schedules another entry command, the second command
  * will be executed before control flow continues to the GWT-generated code.
 void scheduleEntry(ScheduledCommand cmd) {
   entryCommands = _push(entryCommands, new Task.fromScheduledCommand(cmd));

  * A "finally" command will be executed before GWT-generated code returns
  * control to the browser's event loop. The {@link RepeatingCommand#execute()}
  * method will be called once per exit to the event loop until
  * <code>false</code> is returned. This type of command is appropriate for
  * instrumentation or cleanup code.
  * <p>
  * If a finally command schedules another finally command, the second command
  * will be executed before control flow returns to the browser.
 void scheduleRepeatingFinally(RepeatingCommand cmd) {
   finallyCommands = _push(finallyCommands, new Task.fromRepeatingCommand(cmd));

  * A "finally" command will be executed before GWT-generated code returns
  * control to the browser's event loop. This type of command is used to
  * aggregate small amounts of work before performing a non-recurring,
  * heavyweight operation.
  * <p>
  * If a finally command schedules another finally command, the second command
  * will be executed before control flow returns to the browser.
  * <p>
  * Consider the following:
  * <pre>
  * try {
  *   nativeEventCallback(); // Calls scheduleFinally one or more times
  * } finally {
  *   executeFinallyCommands();
  * }
  * </pre>
  * @see com.google.gwt.dom.client.StyleInjector
 void scheduleFinally(ScheduledCommand cmd) {
   finallyCommands = _push(finallyCommands, new Task.fromScheduledCommand(cmd));

  * Schedules a repeating command that is scheduled with a constant delay. That
  * is, the next invocation of the command will be scheduled for
  * <code>delayMs</code> milliseconds after the last invocation completes.
  * <p>
  * For example, assume that a command takes 30ms to run and a 100ms delay is
  * provided. The second invocation of the command will occur at 130ms after
  * the first invocation starts.
  * @param cmd the command to execute
  * @param delayMs the amount of time to wait after one invocation ends before
  *          the next invocation
 void scheduleFixedDelay(RepeatingCommand cmd, int delayMs) {
   _scheduleFixedDelayImpl(cmd, delayMs);

  * Schedules a repeating command that is scheduled with a constant
  * periodicity. That is, the command will be invoked every
  * <code>delayMs</code> milliseconds, regardless of how long the previous
  * invocation took to complete.
  * @param cmd the command to execute
  * @param delayMs the period with which the command is executed
 void scheduleFixedPeriod(RepeatingCommand cmd, int delayMs) {
   _scheduleFixedPeriodImpl(cmd, delayMs);

  * Schedules a repeating command that performs incremental work. This type of
  * command is encouraged for long-running processes that perform computation
  * or that manipulate the DOM. The commands in this queue are invoked many
  * times in rapid succession and are then deferred to allow the browser to
  * process its event queue.
  * @param cmd the command to execute
 void scheduleIncremental(RepeatingCommand cmd) {
   // Push repeating commands onto the same initial queue for relative order
   deferredCommands = _push(deferredCommands, new Task.fromRepeatingCommand(cmd));

  * Execute a list of Tasks that hold RepeatingCommands.
  * @return A replacement array that is possibly a shorter copy of
  *         <code>tasks</code>
 static List<Task> _runRepeatingTasks(List<Task> tasks) {
   assert (tasks != null); // : "tasks";

   int length = tasks.length;
   if (length == 0) {
     return null;

   bool canceledSomeTasks = false;
   int start = (new DateTime.now()).millisecond; // Duration.currentTimeMillis();

   while ((new DateTime.now()).millisecond - start < _TIME_SLICE) {
     for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
       assert (tasks.length == length); // : "Working array length changed "  + tasks.length() + " != " + length;
       Task t = tasks[i];
       if (t == null) {

       assert (t.isRepeating()); // : "Found a non-repeating Task";

       if (!t.executeRepeating()) {
         tasks[i] = null;
         canceledSomeTasks = true;

   if (canceledSomeTasks) {
     List<Task> newTasks = _createQueue();
     // Remove tombstones
     for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
       if (tasks[i] != null) {
     assert (newTasks.length < length);
     return newTasks.length == 0 ? null : newTasks;
   } else {
     return tasks;

  * Execute a list of Tasks that hold both ScheduledCommands and
  * RepeatingCommands. Any RepeatingCommands in the <code>tasks</code> queue
  * that want to repeat will be pushed onto the <code>rescheduled</code> queue.
  * The contents of <code>tasks</code> may not be altered while this method is
  * executing.
  * @return <code>rescheduled</code> or a newly-allocated array if
  *         <code>rescheduled</code> is null.
 static List<Task> _runScheduledTasks(List<Task> tasks, List<Task> rescheduled) {
   assert (tasks != null); // : "tasks";

   for (int i = 0, j = tasks.length; i < j; i++) {
     assert (tasks.length == j); // : "Working array length changed ${tasks.length()} != $j";
     Task t = tasks[i];

     try {
       // Move repeating commands to incremental commands queue
       if (t.isRepeating()) {
         if (t.executeRepeating()) {
           rescheduled = _push(rescheduled, t);
       } else {
     } on Exception catch (e) {
//        if (GWT.getUncaughtExceptionHandler() != null) {
//          GWT.getUncaughtExceptionHandler().onUncaughtException(e);
//        }
   return rescheduled;

 bool isWorkQueued() {
   return deferredCommands != null || incrementalCommands != null;
 // Called by Flusher

 void flushPostEventPumpCommands() {
   if (deferredCommands != null) {
     List<Task> oldDeferred = deferredCommands;
     deferredCommands = null;

     /* We might not have any incremental commands queued. */
     if (incrementalCommands == null) {
       incrementalCommands = _createQueue();
     _runScheduledTasks(oldDeferred, incrementalCommands);

   if (incrementalCommands != null) {
     incrementalCommands = _runRepeatingTasks(incrementalCommands);


Scheduler > SchedulerImpl


new SchedulerImpl() #

Creates a new Object instance.

Object instances have no meaningful state, and are only useful through their identity. An Object instance is equal to itself only.

docs inherited from Object

factory SchedulerImpl.Instance() #

Use a GWT.create() here to make it simple to hijack the default implementation.

factory SchedulerImpl.Instance() {
 if (_instance == null) {
   _instance = new SchedulerImpl();
 return _instance;


List<Task> deferredCommands #

List<Task> deferredCommands

List<Task> entryCommands #

List<Task> entryCommands

List<Task> finallyCommands #

List<Task> finallyCommands

Flusher flusher #

A RepeatingCommand that calls flushPostEventPumpCommands(). It repeats if there are any outstanding deferred or incremental commands.

Flusher flusher

List<Task> incrementalCommands #

List<Task> incrementalCommands

Rescuer rescue #

This provides some backup for the main flusher task in case it gets shut down by a slow-script warning.

Rescuer rescue


void flushPostEventPumpCommands() #

void flushPostEventPumpCommands() {
 if (deferredCommands != null) {
   List<Task> oldDeferred = deferredCommands;
   deferredCommands = null;

   /* We might not have any incremental commands queued. */
   if (incrementalCommands == null) {
     incrementalCommands = _createQueue();
   _runScheduledTasks(oldDeferred, incrementalCommands);

 if (incrementalCommands != null) {
   incrementalCommands = _runRepeatingTasks(incrementalCommands);

bool isWorkQueued() #

bool isWorkQueued() {
 return deferredCommands != null || incrementalCommands != null;

void maybeSchedulePostEventPumpCommands() #

void maybeSchedulePostEventPumpCommands() {
 if (!_shouldBeRunning) {
   _shouldBeRunning = true;

   if (flusher == null) {
     flusher = new Flusher(this);
   _scheduleFixedDelayImpl(flusher, _FLUSHER_DELAY);

   if (rescue == null) {
     rescue = new Rescuer(this);
   _scheduleFixedDelayImpl(rescue, _RESCUE_DELAY);

void scheduleDeferred(ScheduledCommand cmd) #

A deferred command is executed after the browser event loop returns.

void scheduleDeferred(ScheduledCommand cmd) {
 deferredCommands = _push(deferredCommands, new Task.fromScheduledCommand(cmd));

void scheduleEntry(ScheduledCommand cmd) #

An "entry" command will be executed before GWT-generated code is invoked by the browser's event loop. This type of command is appropriate for code that needs to know when "something happens." <p> If an entry command schedules another entry command, the second command will be executed before control flow continues to the GWT-generated code.

void scheduleEntry(ScheduledCommand cmd) {
 entryCommands = _push(entryCommands, new Task.fromScheduledCommand(cmd));

void scheduleFinally(ScheduledCommand cmd) #

A "finally" command will be executed before GWT-generated code returns control to the browser's event loop. This type of command is used to aggregate small amounts of work before performing a non-recurring, heavyweight operation. <p> If a finally command schedules another finally command, the second command will be executed before control flow returns to the browser. <p> Consider the following:

try {
  nativeEventCallback(); // Calls scheduleFinally one or more times
} finally {

@see com.google.gwt.dom.client.StyleInjector

void scheduleFinally(ScheduledCommand cmd) {
 finallyCommands = _push(finallyCommands, new Task.fromScheduledCommand(cmd));

void scheduleFixedDelay(RepeatingCommand cmd, int delayMs) #

Schedules a repeating command that is scheduled with a constant delay. That is, the next invocation of the command will be scheduled for <code>delayMs</code> milliseconds after the last invocation completes. <p> For example, assume that a command takes 30ms to run and a 100ms delay is provided. The second invocation of the command will occur at 130ms after the first invocation starts.

@param cmd the command to execute @param delayMs the amount of time to wait after one invocation ends before

     the next invocation
void scheduleFixedDelay(RepeatingCommand cmd, int delayMs) {
 _scheduleFixedDelayImpl(cmd, delayMs);

void scheduleFixedPeriod(RepeatingCommand cmd, int delayMs) #

Schedules a repeating command that is scheduled with a constant periodicity. That is, the command will be invoked every <code>delayMs</code> milliseconds, regardless of how long the previous invocation took to complete.

@param cmd the command to execute @param delayMs the period with which the command is executed

void scheduleFixedPeriod(RepeatingCommand cmd, int delayMs) {
 _scheduleFixedPeriodImpl(cmd, delayMs);

void scheduleIncremental(RepeatingCommand cmd) #

Schedules a repeating command that performs incremental work. This type of command is encouraged for long-running processes that perform computation or that manipulate the DOM. The commands in this queue are invoked many times in rapid succession and are then deferred to allow the browser to process its event queue.

@param cmd the command to execute

void scheduleIncremental(RepeatingCommand cmd) {
 // Push repeating commands onto the same initial queue for relative order
 deferredCommands = _push(deferredCommands, new Task.fromRepeatingCommand(cmd));

void scheduleRepeatingEntry(RepeatingCommand cmd) #

An "entry" command will be executed before GWT-generated code is invoked by the browser's event loop. The {@link RepeatingCommand} will be called once per entry from the event loop until <code>false</code> is returned. This type of command is appropriate for instrumentation or code that needs to know when "something happens." <p> If an entry command schedules another entry command, the second command will be executed before control flow continues to the GWT-generated code.

void scheduleRepeatingEntry(RepeatingCommand cmd) {
 entryCommands = _push(entryCommands, new Task.fromRepeatingCommand(cmd));

void scheduleRepeatingFinally(RepeatingCommand cmd) #

A "finally" command will be executed before GWT-generated code returns control to the browser's event loop. The {@link RepeatingCommand#execute()} method will be called once per exit to the event loop until <code>false</code> is returned. This type of command is appropriate for instrumentation or cleanup code. <p> If a finally command schedules another finally command, the second command will be executed before control flow returns to the browser.

void scheduleRepeatingFinally(RepeatingCommand cmd) {
 finallyCommands = _push(finallyCommands, new Task.fromRepeatingCommand(cmd));