API Reference 0.3.24dart_web_toolkit_uiFileUploadImpl

FileUploadImpl class

Implementation class for {@link FileUpload}.

class FileUploadImpl {

  * Create instance of DomHelper depends on broswer.
 factory FileUploadImpl.browserDependent() {
   return new FileUploadImpl._internal();


  * Initialize the impl class.
  * @param fileUpload the {@link FileUpload} to handle
 void init(FileUpload fileUpload) {}

  * Handle the browser event.
  * @param event the native event
  * @return true to fire the event normally, false to ignore it
 bool onBrowserEvent(dart_html.Event event) {
   return true;


factory FileUploadImpl.browserDependent() #

Create instance of DomHelper depends on broswer.

factory FileUploadImpl.browserDependent() {
 return new FileUploadImpl._internal();


void init(FileUpload fileUpload) #

Initialize the impl class.

@param fileUpload the {@link FileUpload} to handle

void init(FileUpload fileUpload) {}

bool onBrowserEvent(Event event) #

Handle the browser event.

@param event the native event @return true to fire the event normally, false to ignore it

bool onBrowserEvent(dart_html.Event event) {
 return true;