API Reference 0.3.24dart_web_toolkit_uiHistoryImpl

HistoryImpl class

Native implementation associated with {@link com.google.gwt.user.client.History}. User classes should not use this class directly.

This base version uses the HTML5 standard window.onhashchange event to determine when the URL hash identifier changes.

class HistoryImpl implements HasValueChangeHandlers<String> {

 static String _token = "";

 static String getToken() {
   return (_token == null) ? "" : _token;

 static void setToken(String token) {
   HistoryImpl._token = token;

 EventBus _handlers = new SimpleEventBus();

 // Implementation of HasValueChangeHandlers

  * Adds a {@link ValueChangeEvent} handler to be informed of changes to the
  * browser's history stack.
  * @param handler the handler
 HandlerRegistration addValueChangeHandler(ValueChangeHandler<String> handler) {
   return _handlers.addHandler(ValueChangeEvent.TYPE, handler);


 String encodeFragment(String fragment) {
   // encodeURI() does *not* encode the '#' character.
   return fragment; //encodeURI(fragment).replace("#", "%23");

 String decodeFragment(String encodedFragment) {
   // decodeURI() does *not* decode the '#' character.
   return encodedFragment; //decodeURI(encodedFragment.replace("%23", "#"));

 void fireEvent(DwtEvent event) {

  * Fires the {@link ValueChangeEvent} to all handlers with the given tokens.
 void fireHistoryChangedImpl(String newToken) {
   ValueChangeEvent.fire(this, newToken);

 EventBus getHandlers() {
   return _handlers;

 bool init() {

   var token = '';

   // Get the initial token from the url's hash component.
   String hash = dart_html.window.location.hash;
   if (hash.length > 0) {
     token = decodeFragment(hash.substring(1));


   //var historyImpl = this;

   //var oldHandler = dart_html.window.on["hashchange"];

   dart_html.window.onHashChange.listen((dart_html.Event event) {
     var token = '';
     String hash = dart_html.window.location.hash;
     if (hash.length > 0) {
       token = decodeFragment(hash.substring(1));


//      if (oldHandler) {
//        oldHandler();
//      }

   return true;


 void newItem(String historyToken, bool issueEvent) {
   historyToken = (historyToken == null) ? "" : historyToken;
   if (historyToken != getToken()) {
     if (issueEvent) {

 void newItemOnEvent(String historyToken) {
   historyToken = (historyToken == null) ? "" : historyToken;
   if (historyToken != getToken()) {

 void nativeUpdate(String historyToken) {
   //$wnd.location.hash = this.@com.google.gwt.user.client.impl.HistoryImpl::encodeFragment(Ljava/lang/String;)(historyToken);
   dart_html.window.location.hash = encodeFragment(historyToken);

 void nativeUpdateOnEvent(String historyToken) {
   // Do nothing, the hash is already updated.



Static Methods

String getToken() #

static String getToken() {
 return (_token == null) ? "" : _token;

void setToken(String token) #

static void setToken(String token) {
 HistoryImpl._token = token;


HandlerRegistration addValueChangeHandler(ValueChangeHandler<String> handler) #

Adds a {@link ValueChangeEvent} handler to be informed of changes to the browser's history stack.

@param handler the handler

HandlerRegistration addValueChangeHandler(ValueChangeHandler<String> handler) {
 return _handlers.addHandler(ValueChangeEvent.TYPE, handler);

String decodeFragment(String encodedFragment) #

String decodeFragment(String encodedFragment) {
 // decodeURI() does *not* decode the '#' character.
 return encodedFragment; //decodeURI(encodedFragment.replace("%23", "#"));

String encodeFragment(String fragment) #

String encodeFragment(String fragment) {
 // encodeURI() does *not* encode the '#' character.
 return fragment; //encodeURI(fragment).replace("#", "%23");

void fireEvent(DwtEvent event) #

Fires the given event to the handlers listening to the event's type.

Any exceptions thrown by handlers will be bundled into a UmbrellaException and then re-thrown after all handlers have completed. An exception thrown by a handler will not prevent other handlers from executing.

@param event the event

docs inherited from HasHandlers
void fireEvent(DwtEvent event) {

void fireHistoryChangedImpl(String newToken) #

Fires the {@link ValueChangeEvent} to all handlers with the given tokens.

void fireHistoryChangedImpl(String newToken) {
 ValueChangeEvent.fire(this, newToken);

EventBus getHandlers() #

EventBus getHandlers() {
 return _handlers;

bool init() #

bool init() {

 var token = '';

 // Get the initial token from the url's hash component.
 String hash = dart_html.window.location.hash;
 if (hash.length > 0) {
   token = decodeFragment(hash.substring(1));


 //var historyImpl = this;

 //var oldHandler = dart_html.window.on["hashchange"];

 dart_html.window.onHashChange.listen((dart_html.Event event) {
   var token = '';
   String hash = dart_html.window.location.hash;
   if (hash.length > 0) {
     token = decodeFragment(hash.substring(1));


//      if (oldHandler) {
//        oldHandler();
//      }

 return true;


void nativeUpdate(String historyToken) #

void nativeUpdate(String historyToken) {
 //$wnd.location.hash = this.@com.google.gwt.user.client.impl.HistoryImpl::encodeFragment(Ljava/lang/String;)(historyToken);
 dart_html.window.location.hash = encodeFragment(historyToken);

void nativeUpdateOnEvent(String historyToken) #

void nativeUpdateOnEvent(String historyToken) {
 // Do nothing, the hash is already updated.

void newItem(String historyToken, bool issueEvent) #

void newItem(String historyToken, bool issueEvent) {
 historyToken = (historyToken == null) ? "" : historyToken;
 if (historyToken != getToken()) {
   if (issueEvent) {

void newItemOnEvent(String historyToken) #

void newItemOnEvent(String historyToken) {
 historyToken = (historyToken == null) ? "" : historyToken;
 if (historyToken != getToken()) {