API Reference 0.3.24dart_web_toolkit_uiMenuItemSeparator

MenuItemSeparator class

A separator that can be placed in a {@link com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.MenuBar}.

class MenuItemSeparator extends UiObject {

 static final String _STYLENAME_DEFAULT = "dwt-MenuItemSeparator";

 MenuBar _parentMenu;

  * Constructs a new {@link MenuItemSeparator}.
 MenuItemSeparator() {
   setElement(new dart_html.TableCellElement());

   // Add an inner element for styling purposes
   dart_html.Element div = new dart_html.DivElement();
   UiObject.setElementStyleName(div, "menuSeparatorInner");

  * Gets the menu that contains this item.
  * @return the parent menu, or <code>null</code> if none exists.
 MenuBar getParentMenu() {
   return _parentMenu;

 void setParentMenu(MenuBar parentMenu) {
   this._parentMenu = parentMenu;


UiObject > MenuItemSeparator


new MenuItemSeparator() #

Constructs a new {@link MenuItemSeparator}.

MenuItemSeparator() {
 setElement(new dart_html.TableCellElement());

 // Add an inner element for styling purposes
 dart_html.Element div = new dart_html.DivElement();
 UiObject.setElementStyleName(div, "menuSeparatorInner");


String get title #

inherited from UiObject

Gets the title associated with this object. The title is the 'tool-tip' displayed to users when they hover over the object.

@return the object's title

String get title => getElement().title;

void set title(String value) #

inherited from UiObject

Sets the element's title.

void set title(String value) {
 getElement().title = value;

bool get visible #

inherited from UiObject

Determines whether or not this object is visible. Note that this does not necessarily take into account whether or not the receiver's parent is visible, or even if it is attached to the Document. The default implementation of this trait in UIObject is based on the value of a dom element's style object's display attribute.

@return <code>true</code> if the object is visible

bool get visible => isVisible(getElement());

void set visible(bool visible) #

inherited from UiObject

Sets whether this object is visible.

@param visible <code>true</code> to show the object, <code>false</code> to

     hide it
void set visible(bool visible) {
 setVisible(getElement(), visible);


void addStyleDependentName(String styleSuffix) #

inherited from UiObject

Adds a dependent style name by specifying the style name's suffix. The actual form of the style name that is added is:

getStylePrimaryName() + '-' + styleSuffix

@param styleSuffix the suffix of the dependent style to be added. @see #setStylePrimaryName(String) @see #removeStyleDependentName(String) @see #setStyleDependentName(String, boolean) @see #addStyleName(String)

void addStyleDependentName(String styleSuffix) {
 setStyleDependentName(styleSuffix, true);

void addStyleName(String style) #

inherited from UiObject

Adds a secondary or dependent style name to this object. A secondary style name is an additional style name that is, in HTML/CSS terms, included as a space-separated token in the value of the CSS <code>class</code> attribute for this object's root element.

The most important use for this method is to add a special kind of secondary style name called a dependent style name. To add a dependent style name, use {@link #addStyleDependentName(String)}, which will prefix the 'style' argument with the result of {@link #k()} (followed by a '-'). For example, suppose the primary style name is gwt-TextBox. If the following method is called as obj.setReadOnly(true):

public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly) {
  isReadOnlyMode = readOnly;

// Create a dependent style name. String readOnlyStyle = "readonly";

if (readOnly) {


} else {


} }</pre>

then both of the CSS style rules below will be applied:

// This rule is based on the primary style name and is always active. .gwt-TextBox { font-size: 12pt; }

// This rule is based on a dependent style name that is only active // when the widget has called addStyleName(getStylePrimaryName() + // "-readonly"). .gwt-TextBox-readonly { background-color: lightgrey; border: none; }</pre>

The code can also be simplified with {@link #setStyleDependentName(String, boolean)}:

public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly) {
  isReadOnlyMode = readOnly;
  setStyleDependentName("readonly", readOnly);

Dependent style names are powerful because they are automatically updated whenever the primary style name changes. Continuing with the example above, if the primary style name changed due to the following call:


then the object would be re-associated with following style rules, removing those that were shown above.

.my-TextThingy {
  font-size: 20pt;

.my-TextThingy-readonly { background-color: red; border: 2px solid yellow; }</pre>

Secondary style names that are not dependent style names are not automatically updated when the primary style name changes.

@param style the secondary style name to be added @see UIObject @see #removeStyleName(String)

void addStyleName(String style) {
 setStyleName(style, true);

void clearAndSetStyleName(String style) #

inherited from UiObject

Clears all of the object's style names and sets it to the given style. You should normally use {@link #setStylePrimaryName(String)} unless you wish to explicitly remove all existing styles.

@param style the new style name @see #setStylePrimaryName(String)

void clearAndSetStyleName(String style) {
 setElementStyleName(getStyleElement(), style);

double extractLengthValue(String s) #

inherited from UiObject

Intended to be used to pull the value out of a CSS length. If the value is "auto" or "inherit", 0 will be returned.

@param s The CSS length string to extract @return The leading numeric portion of <code>s</code>, or 0 if "auto" or

    "inherit" are passed in.
double extractLengthValue(String s) {
 if (s == "auto" || s == "inherit" || s == "") {
   return 0.0;
 } else {
   // numberRegex divides the string into a leading numeric portion
   // followed by an arbitrary portion.
   if(numberRegex.hasMatch(s)) {
     // Extract the leading numeric portion of string
     s = numberRegex.firstMatch(s)[0];
   return double.parse(s);

int getAbsoluteLeft() #

inherited from UiObject

Gets the object's absolute left position in pixels, as measured from the browser window's client area.

@return the object's absolute left position

int getAbsoluteLeft() {
 return Dom.getAbsoluteLeft(getElement());

int getAbsoluteTop() #

inherited from UiObject

Gets the object's absolute top position in pixels, as measured from the browser window's client area.

@return the object's absolute top position

int getAbsoluteTop() {
 return Dom.getAbsoluteTop(getElement());

Element getElement() #

inherited from UiObject

Gets this object's browser element.

dart_html.Element getElement() {
 assert (_element != null); // : MISSING_ELEMENT_ERROR;
 return _element;

int getOffsetHeight() #

inherited from UiObject

Gets the object's offset height in pixels. This is the total height of the object, including decorations such as border and padding, but not margin.

@return the object's offset height

int getOffsetHeight() {
 return getElement().offset.height; // Dom.getElementPropertyInt(getElement(), "offsetHeight");

int getOffsetWidth() #

inherited from UiObject

Gets the object's offset width in pixels. This is the total width of the object, including decorations such as border and padding, but not margin.

@return the object's offset width

int getOffsetWidth() {
 return getElement().offset.width; // Dom.getElementPropertyInt(getElement(), "offsetWidth");

MenuBar getParentMenu() #

Gets the menu that contains this item.

@return the parent menu, or <code>null</code> if none exists.

MenuBar getParentMenu() {
 return _parentMenu;

Element getStyleElement() #

inherited from UiObject

Template method that returns the element to which style names will be applied. By default it returns the root element, but this method may be overridden to apply styles to a child element.

@return the element to which style names will be applied

dart_html.Element getStyleElement() {
 return getElement();

String getStyleName() #

inherited from UiObject

Gets all of the object's style names, as a space-separated list. If you wish to retrieve only the primary style name, call {@link #getStylePrimaryName()}.

@return the objects's space-separated style names @see #getStylePrimaryName()

String getStyleName() {
 return getElementStyleName(getStyleElement());

String getStylePrimaryName() #

inherited from UiObject

Gets the primary style name associated with the object.

@return the object's primary style name @see #setStyleName(String) @see #addStyleName(String) @see #removeStyleName(String)

String getStylePrimaryName() {
 return getElementStylePrimaryName(getStyleElement());

void removeStyleDependentName(String styleSuffix) #

inherited from UiObject

Removes a dependent style name by specifying the style name's suffix.

@param styleSuffix the suffix of the dependent style to be removed @see #setStylePrimaryName(Element, String) @see #addStyleDependentName(String) @see #setStyleDependentName(String, boolean)

void removeStyleDependentName(String styleSuffix) {
 setStyleDependentName(styleSuffix, false);

void removeStyleName(String style) #

inherited from UiObject

Removes a style name. This method is typically used to remove secondary style names, but it can be used to remove primary stylenames as well. That use is not recommended.

@param style the secondary style name to be removed @see #addStyleName(String) @see #setStyleName(String, boolean)

void removeStyleName(String style) {
 setStyleName(style, false);

void replaceElement(Element elem) #

inherited from UiObject

Replaces this object's browser element.

This method exists only to support a specific use-case in Image, and should not be used by other classes.

@param elem the object's new element

void replaceElement(dart_html.Element elem) {
 if (_element != null && _element.parent != null) {
   // replace this.element in its parent with elem.

 this._element = elem;

void setElement(Element elem) #

inherited from UiObject

Sets this object's browser element. UIObject subclasses must call this method before attempting to call any other methods, and it may only be called once.

@param elem the object's element

void setElement(dart_html.Element elem) {
 assert (_element == null);
 this._element = elem;

void setHeight(String height) #

inherited from UiObject

Sets the object's height. This height does not include decorations such as border, margin, and padding.

@param height the object's new height, in CSS units (e.g. "10px", "1em")

void setHeight(String height) {
 // This exists to deal with an inconsistency in IE's implementation where
 // it won't accept negative numbers in length measurements
 assert (extractLengthValue(height.trim().toLowerCase()) >= 0); // : "CSS heights should not be negative";
 Dom.setStyleAttribute(getElement(), "height", height);

void setParentMenu(MenuBar parentMenu) #

void setParentMenu(MenuBar parentMenu) {
 this._parentMenu = parentMenu;

void setPixelSize(int width, int height) #

inherited from UiObject

Sets the object's size, in pixels, not including decorations such as border, margin, and padding.

@param width the object's new width, in pixels @param height the object's new height, in pixels

void setPixelSize(int width, int height) {
 if (width >= 0) {
   setWidth(width.toString() + "px");
 if (height >= 0) {
   setHeight(height.toString() + "px");

void setSize(String width, String height) #

inherited from UiObject

Sets the object's size. This size does not include decorations such as border, margin, and padding.

@param width the object's new width, in CSS units (e.g. "10px", "1em") @param height the object's new height, in CSS units (e.g. "10px", "1em")

void setSize(String width, String height) {

void setStyleDependentName(String styleSuffix, bool add) #

inherited from UiObject

Adds or removes a dependent style name by specifying the style name's suffix. The actual form of the style name that is added is:

getStylePrimaryName() + '-' + styleSuffix

@param styleSuffix the suffix of the dependent style to be added or removed @param add <code>true</code> to add the given style, <code>false</code> to

     remove it

@see #setStylePrimaryName(Element, String) @see #addStyleDependentName(String) @see #setStyleName(String, boolean) @see #removeStyleDependentName(String)

void setStyleDependentName(String styleSuffix, bool add) {
 setStyleName(getStylePrimaryName() + '-' + styleSuffix, add);

void setStyleName(String style, bool add) #

inherited from UiObject

Adds or removes a style name. This method is typically used to remove secondary style names, but it can be used to remove primary stylenames as well. That use is not recommended.

@param style the style name to be added or removed @param add <code>true</code> to add the given style, <code>false</code> to

     remove it

@see #addStyleName(String) @see #removeStyleName(String)

void setStyleName(String style, bool add) {
 manageElementStyleName(getStyleElement(), style, add);

void setStylePrimaryName(String style) #

inherited from UiObject

Sets the object's primary style name and updates all dependent style names.

@param style the new primary style name @see #addStyleName(String) @see #removeStyleName(String)

void setStylePrimaryName(String style) {
 setElementStylePrimaryName(getStyleElement(), style);

void setWidth(String width) #

inherited from UiObject

Sets the object's width. This width does not include decorations such as border, margin, and padding.

@param width the object's new width, in CSS units (e.g. "10px", "1em")

void setWidth(String width) {
 // This exists to deal with an inconsistency in IE's implementation where
 // it won't accept negative numbers in length measurements
 assert (extractLengthValue(width.trim().toLowerCase()) >= 0); // : "CSS widths should not be negative";
 Dom.setStyleAttribute(getElement(), "width", width);

void sinkBitlessEvent(String eventTypeName) #

inherited from UiObject

Sinks a named event. Note that only {@link Widget widgets} may actually receive events, but can receive events from all objects contained within them.

@param eventTypeName name of the event to sink on this element @see com.google.gwt.user.client.Event

void sinkBitlessEvent(String eventTypeName) {
 Dom.sinkBitlessEvent(getElement(), eventTypeName);

void sinkEvents(int eventBitsToAdd) #

inherited from UiObject

Adds a set of events to be sunk by this object. Note that only {@link Widget widgets} may actually receive events, but can receive events from all objects contained within them.

@param eventBitsToAdd a bitfield representing the set of events to be added

     to this element's event set

@see com.google.gwt.user.client.Event

void sinkEvents(int eventBitsToAdd) {
 Dom.sinkEvents(getElement(), eventBitsToAdd | Dom.getEventsSunk(getElement()));

String toString() #

inherited from UiObject

This method is overridden so that any object can be viewed in the debugger as an HTML snippet.

@return a string representation of the object

String toString() {
 if (_element == null) {
   return "(null handle)";
 return getElement().toString();

void unsinkEvents(int eventBitsToRemove) #

inherited from UiObject

Removes a set of events from this object's event list.

@param eventBitsToRemove a bitfield representing the set of events to be

     removed from this element's event set

@see #sinkEvents @see com.google.gwt.user.client.Event

void unsinkEvents(int eventBitsToRemove) {
 Dom.sinkEvents(getElement(), Dom.getEventsSunk(getElement()) & (~eventBitsToRemove));