API Reference 0.3.24dart_web_toolkit_uiUI

UI class

Supports core functionality that in some cases requires direct support from the compiler and runtime systems such as runtime type information and deferred binding.

class UI {

  * Returns <code>true</code> when running in production mode. Returns
  * <code>false</code> when running either in development mode, or when running
  * in a plain JVM.
 static bool isProdMode() {
   // Replaced with "true" by DWT compiler.
   return false;

Static Methods

bool isProdMode() #

Returns <code>true</code> when running in production mode. Returns <code>false</code> when running either in development mode, or when running in a plain JVM.

static bool isProdMode() {
 // Replaced with "true" by DWT compiler.
 return false;