API Reference 0.3.24dart_web_toolkit_utilSafeHtmlBuilder

SafeHtmlBuilder class

A builder that facilitates the building up of XSS-safe HTML from text snippets. It is used essentially like a {@link StringBuilder}; unlike a {@link StringBuilder}, it automatically HTML-escapes appended input where necessary.

In addition, it supports methods that allow strings with HTML markup to be appended without escaping: One can append other {@link SafeHtml} objects, and one can append constant strings. The method that appends constant strings ({@link #appendHtmlConstant(String)}) requires a convention of use to be adhered to in order for this class to adhere to the contract required by {@link SafeHtml}: The argument expression must be fully determined and known to be safe at compile time, and the value of the argument must not contain incomplete HTML tags. See {@link #appendHtmlConstant(String)} for details.

The accumulated XSS-safe HTML can be obtained in the form of a {@link SafeHtml} via the {@link #toSafeHtml()} method.

This class is not thread-safe.

class SafeHtmlBuilder {

 final StringBuffer _sb = new StringBuffer();

  * Constructs an empty SafeHtmlBuilder.
 SafeHtmlBuilder() {

  * Boolean and numeric types converted to String are always HTML safe -- no
  * escaping necessary.

  * Appends the string representation of a bool.
  * @param b the bool whose string representation to append
  * @return a reference to this object
 SafeHtmlBuilder append(value) {
   return this;

  * Appends the string representation of a number.
  * @param num the number whose string representation to append
  * @return a reference to this object
 SafeHtmlBuilder appendAll(Iterable objects, [String separator = ""]) {
   _sb.writeAll(objects, separator);
   return this;

  * Appends the string representation of a char.
  * @param c the character whose string representation to append
  * @return a reference to this object
  * @see SafeHtmlUtils#htmlEscape(char)
 SafeHtmlBuilder appendCharCode(int charCode) {
   _sb.write(SafeHtmlUtils.htmlEscape(new String.fromCharCode(charCode)));
   return this;

  * Appends the contents of another {@link SafeHtml} object, without applying
  * HTML-escaping to it.
  * @param html the {@link SafeHtml} to append
  * @return a reference to this object
 SafeHtmlBuilder appendSafeHtml(SafeHtml html) {
   return this;

  * Appends a string after HTML-escaping it.
  * @param text the string to append
  * @return a reference to this object
  * @see SafeHtmlUtils#htmlEscape(String)
 SafeHtmlBuilder appendEscaped(String text) {
   return this;

  * Appends a string consisting of several newline-separated lines after
  * HTML-escaping it. Newlines in the original string are converted to {@code
  * <br>} tags.
  * @param text the string to append
  * @return a reference to this object
  * @see SafeHtmlUtils#htmlEscape(String)
 SafeHtmlBuilder appendEscapedLines(String text) {
   _sb.write(SafeHtmlUtils.htmlEscape(text).replaceAll("\n", "<br>"));
   return this;

  * Appends a compile-time-constant string, which will <em>not</em> be escaped.
  * <p>
  * <b>Important</b>: For this class to be able to honor its contract as
  * required by {@link SafeHtml}, all uses of this method must satisfy the
  * following constraints:
  * <ol>
  * <li>The argument expression must be fully determined at compile time.
  * <li>The value of the argument must end in "inner HTML" context and not
  * contain incomplete HTML tags. I.e., the following is not a correct use of
  * this method, because the {@code <a>} tag is incomplete:
  * <pre class="code">
  * {@code shb.appendConstantHtml("<a href='").append(url)}</pre>
  * </ol>
  * <p>
  * The first constraint provides a sufficient condition that the appended
  * string (and any HTML markup contained in it) originates from a trusted
  * source. The second constraint ensures the composability of {@link SafeHtml}
  * values.
  * <p>
  * When executing client-side in Development Mode, or server side with
  * assertions enabled, the argument is HTML-parsed and validated to satisfy
  * the second constraint (the server-side check can also be enabled
  * programmatically, see
  * {@link SafeHtmlHostedModeUtils#maybeCheckCompleteHtml(String)} for
  * details). For performance reasons, this check is not performed in prod mode
  * on the client, and with assertions disabled on the server.
  * @param html the HTML snippet to be appended
  * @return a reference to this object
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if not running in prod mode and {@code
  *           html} violates the second constraint
 SafeHtmlBuilder appendHtmlConstant(String html) {
//    SafeHtmlHostedModeUtils.maybeCheckCompleteHtml(html);
   return this;

  * Returns the safe HTML accumulated in the builder as a {@link SafeHtml}.
  * @return a SafeHtml instance
 SafeHtml toSafeHtml() {
   return new SafeHtmlString(_sb.toString());


new SafeHtmlBuilder() #

Constructs an empty SafeHtmlBuilder.

SafeHtmlBuilder() {


SafeHtmlBuilder append(value) #

Appends the string representation of a bool.

@param b the bool whose string representation to append @return a reference to this object

SafeHtmlBuilder append(value) {
 return this;

SafeHtmlBuilder appendAll(Iterable objects, [String separator = ""]) #

Appends the string representation of a number.

@param num the number whose string representation to append @return a reference to this object

SafeHtmlBuilder appendAll(Iterable objects, [String separator = ""]) {
 _sb.writeAll(objects, separator);
 return this;

SafeHtmlBuilder appendCharCode(int charCode) #

Appends the string representation of a char.

@param c the character whose string representation to append @return a reference to this object @see SafeHtmlUtils#htmlEscape(char)

SafeHtmlBuilder appendCharCode(int charCode) {
 _sb.write(SafeHtmlUtils.htmlEscape(new String.fromCharCode(charCode)));
 return this;

SafeHtmlBuilder appendEscaped(String text) #

Appends a string after HTML-escaping it.

@param text the string to append @return a reference to this object @see SafeHtmlUtils#htmlEscape(String)

SafeHtmlBuilder appendEscaped(String text) {
 return this;

SafeHtmlBuilder appendEscapedLines(String text) #

Appends a string consisting of several newline-separated lines after HTML-escaping it. Newlines in the original string are converted to {@code <br>} tags.

@param text the string to append @return a reference to this object @see SafeHtmlUtils#htmlEscape(String)

SafeHtmlBuilder appendEscapedLines(String text) {
 _sb.write(SafeHtmlUtils.htmlEscape(text).replaceAll("\n", "<br>"));
 return this;

SafeHtmlBuilder appendHtmlConstant(String html) #

Appends a compile-time-constant string, which will <em>not</em> be escaped.

Important: For this class to be able to honor its contract as required by {@link SafeHtml}, all uses of this method must satisfy the following constraints:

  1. The argument expression must be fully determined at compile time.
  2. The value of the argument must end in "inner HTML" context and not contain incomplete HTML tags. I.e., the following is not a correct use of this method, because the {@code } tag is incomplete:
    {@code shb.appendConstantHtml("