API Reference 0.3.24dart_web_toolkit_utilSafeStylesString

SafeStylesString class

A string wrapped as an object of type {@link SafeStyles}.

This class is package-private and intended for internal use by the {@link com.google.gwt.safecss} package.

All implementors must implement .equals and .hashCode so that they operate just like String.equals() and String.hashCode().

class SafeStylesString implements SafeStyles {

 String _css = "";

  * Constructs a {@link SafeStylesString} from a string. Callers are
  * responsible for ensuring that the string passed as the argument to this
  * constructor satisfies the constraints of the contract imposed by the
  * {@link SafeStyles} interface.
  * @param css the string to be wrapped as a {@link SafeStyles}
 SafeStylesString(String css) {
   this._css = css;

  * {@inheritDoc}
 String asString() {
   return _css;

  * Compares this string to the specified object.
 bool operator ==(Object obj) {
   if (!(obj is SafeStyles)) {
     return false;
   return _css == (obj as SafeStyles).asString();
  * Get a hash code for this object.
  * All objects have hash codes. Hash codes are guaranteed to be the
  * same for objects that are equal when compared using the equality
  * operator [:==:]. Other than that there are no guarantees about
  * the hash codes. They will not be consistent between runs and
  * there are no distribution guarantees.
  * If a subclass overrides [hashCode] it should override the
  * equality operator as well to maintain consistency.
 int get hashCode {
   return _css == null ? 0 : _css.hashCode;




new SafeStylesString(String css) #

Constructs a {@link SafeStylesString} from a string. Callers are responsible for ensuring that the string passed as the argument to this constructor satisfies the constraints of the contract imposed by the {@link SafeStyles} interface.

@param css the string to be wrapped as a {@link SafeStyles}

SafeStylesString(String css) {
 this._css = css;


final int hashCode #

Get a hash code for this object.

All objects have hash codes. Hash codes are guaranteed to be the same for objects that are equal when compared using the equality operator ==. Other than that there are no guarantees about the hash codes. They will not be consistent between runs and there are no distribution guarantees.

If a subclass overrides hashCode it should override the equality operator as well to maintain consistency.

int get hashCode {
 return _css == null ? 0 : _css.hashCode;


bool operator ==(Object obj) #

Compares this string to the specified object.

bool operator ==(Object obj) {
 if (!(obj is SafeStyles)) {
   return false;
 return _css == (obj as SafeStyles).asString();


String asString() #


String asString() {
 return _css;