Processor<O> class
Processor for UiBinder.
class Processor<O> { Parser _parser; O _owner; /** * Create new instance. */ Processor(this._owner) { _parser = new Parser<O>(); // Parse owner to find annotations _parser.parse(_owner); } /** * Parse template and bind filds to elements from template wrapped to widgets. */ void parse(Element root) { _process(root); } /** * Process each [element] of owner. */ void _process(Element element) { Node child = element.firstChild; // We only processing Eements while (child != null) { if (child is Element) { _tryToAssign(child as Element); } if (child.hasChildNodes()) { _process(child); } if (child is Element) { child = (child as Element).nextElementSibling; } else { child = child.nextNode; } } } /** * Try to assign [element] to one of fields of owner. */ void _tryToAssign(Element element) { String field = element.attributes["ui:field"]; //$dom_getAttribute("ui:field"); if (field != null) { _tryToInstantiateVariable(field, element); } } /** * Try to instantiate [field] wrapping [element]. */ void _tryToInstantiateVariable(String field, Element element) { try { // Get variable by name VariableMirror variableMirror = _parser.variables[field]; // Instantiate widget by 'wrap' constructor dynamic variable = Creator.instantiateWidget(variableMirror.type, element).reflectee; // Set widget to variable in owner _parser.ownerInstance.setField(variableMirror.simpleName, variable); } on Exception catch(ex) { print(ex); } } }
void parse(Element root) #
Parse template and bind filds to elements from template wrapped to widgets.
void parse(Element root) { _process(root); }