API Reference 0.3.24dart_web_toolkit_i18nAutoDirectionHandlerTarget

AutoDirectionHandlerTarget abstract class

The interface an object must implement in order to add an AutoDirectionHandler to it.

TODO(tomerigo): add Paste and Input events once they're available in GWT.

abstract class AutoDirectionHandlerTarget implements HasText, HasDirection, HasKeyUpHandlers {




HasKeyUpHandlers, HasDirection, HasText


abstract Direction get direction #

inherited from HasDirection

Gets the directionality of the widget.

@return <code>RTL</code> if the directionality is right-to-left,

    <code>LTR</code> if the directionality is left-to-right, or
    <code>DEFAULT</code> if the directionality is not explicitly specified

abstract void set direction(Direction value) #

inherited from HasDirection

Sets the directionality for a widget.

@param value <code>RTL</code> if the directionality should be set to right-to-left,

             <code>LTR</code> if the directionality should be set to left-to-right
             <code>DEFAULT</code> if the directionality should not be explicitly set

abstract String get text #

inherited from HasText

Gets this object's text.

@return the object's text

abstract void set text(String value) #

inherited from HasText

Sets this object's text.

@param text the object's new text


abstract HandlerRegistration addKeyUpHandler(KeyUpHandler handler) #

inherited from HasKeyUpHandlers

Adds a {@link KeyUpEvent} handler.

@param handler the key up handler @return {@link HandlerRegistration} used to remove this handler

abstract void fireEvent(DwtEvent event) #

inherited from HasHandlers

Fires the given event to the handlers listening to the event's type.

Any exceptions thrown by handlers will be bundled into a UmbrellaException and then re-thrown after all handlers have completed. An exception thrown by a handler will not prevent other handlers from executing.

@param event the event