API Reference 0.3.24dart_web_toolkit_i18nHasDirection

HasDirection abstract class

A widget that implements this interface has the ability to override the document directionality for its root element.

Widgets that implement this interface should be leaf widgets. More specifically, they should not implement the {@link com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.HasWidgets} interface.

abstract class HasDirection {

  * Sets the directionality for a widget.
  * @param value <code>RTL</code> if the directionality should be set to right-to-left,
  *                  <code>LTR</code> if the directionality should be set to left-to-right
  *                  <code>DEFAULT</code> if the directionality should not be explicitly set
 void set direction(Direction value);

  * Gets the directionality of the widget.
  * @return <code>RTL</code> if the directionality is right-to-left,
  *         <code>LTR</code> if the directionality is left-to-right, or
  *         <code>DEFAULT</code> if the directionality is not explicitly specified
 Direction get direction;




abstract Direction get direction #

Gets the directionality of the widget.

@return <code>RTL</code> if the directionality is right-to-left,

    <code>LTR</code> if the directionality is left-to-right, or
    <code>DEFAULT</code> if the directionality is not explicitly specified

abstract void set direction(Direction value) #

Sets the directionality for a widget.

@param value <code>RTL</code> if the directionality should be set to right-to-left,

             <code>LTR</code> if the directionality should be set to left-to-right
             <code>DEFAULT</code> if the directionality should not be explicitly set