API Reference 0.3.24dart_web_toolkit_i18nLocaleInfo

LocaleInfo class

class LocaleInfo {

  * Currently we only support getting the currently running locale, so this
  * is a static.  In the future, we would need a hash map from locale names
  * to LocaleInfo instances.
 static LocaleInfo instance = new LocaleInfo(new LocaleInfoImpl()); //, new CldrImpl());

  * Returns an array of available locale names.
 static List<String> getAvailableLocaleNames() {
    * The set of all locales is constant across all permutations, so this
    * is static.  Ideally, the set of available locales would be generated
    * by a different GWT.create but that would slow the compilation process
    * unnecessarily.
    * This is static, and accesses infoImpl this way, with an eye towards
    * when we implement static LocaleInfo getLocale(String localeName) as
    * you might want to get the list of available locales in order to create
    * instances of each of them.
   return instance.infoImpl.getAvailableLocaleNames();

  * Returns a LocaleInfo instance for the current locale.
 static LocaleInfo getCurrentLocale() {
    * In the future, we could make additional static methods which returned a
    * LocaleInfo instance for a specific locale (from the set of those the app
    * was compiled with), accessed via a method like:
    *    public static LocaleInfo getLocale(String localeName)
   return instance;
  * Returns true if any locale supported by this build of the app is RTL.
 static bool hasAnyRTL() {
   return instance.infoImpl.hasAnyRTL();

 LocaleInfoImpl infoImpl;

//  CldrImpl cldrImpl;
 DateTimeFormatInfo dateTimeFormatInfo;

 NumberConstants numberConstants;

  * Create a LocaleInfo instance, passing in the implementation classes.
  * @param impl LocaleInfoImpl instance to use
  * @param cldr CldrImpl instance to use
 LocaleInfo([this.infoImpl = null]); //, this.cldrImpl = null]);

  * Returns true if this locale is right-to-left instead of left-to-right.
 bool isRTL() {
   return false; //cldrImpl.isRTL();

  * Returns a DateTimeConstants instance for this locale.
 DateTimeFormatInfo getDateTimeFormatInfo() {
   return dateTimeFormatInfo;

 void ensureDateTimeFormatInfo() {
   if (dateTimeFormatInfo == null) {
     dateTimeFormatInfo = infoImpl.getDateTimeFormatInfo();

  * Returns a NumberConstants instance for this locale.
 NumberConstants getNumberConstants() {
   return numberConstants;

 void ensureNumberConstants() {
   if (numberConstants == null) {
     numberConstants = infoImpl.getNumberConstants();


Static Properties

LocaleInfo instance #

Currently we only support getting the currently running locale, so this is a static. In the future, we would need a hash map from locale names to LocaleInfo instances.

static LocaleInfo instance = new LocaleInfo(new LocaleInfoImpl())

Static Methods

List<String> getAvailableLocaleNames() #

Returns an array of available locale names.

static List<String> getAvailableLocaleNames() {
  * The set of all locales is constant across all permutations, so this
  * is static.  Ideally, the set of available locales would be generated
  * by a different GWT.create but that would slow the compilation process
  * unnecessarily.
  * This is static, and accesses infoImpl this way, with an eye towards
  * when we implement static LocaleInfo getLocale(String localeName) as
  * you might want to get the list of available locales in order to create
  * instances of each of them.
 return instance.infoImpl.getAvailableLocaleNames();

LocaleInfo getCurrentLocale() #

Returns a LocaleInfo instance for the current locale.

static LocaleInfo getCurrentLocale() {
  * In the future, we could make additional static methods which returned a
  * LocaleInfo instance for a specific locale (from the set of those the app
  * was compiled with), accessed via a method like:
  *    public static LocaleInfo getLocale(String localeName)
 return instance;

bool hasAnyRTL() #

Returns true if any locale supported by this build of the app is RTL.

static bool hasAnyRTL() {
 return instance.infoImpl.hasAnyRTL();


new LocaleInfo([LocaleInfoImpl infoImpl = null]) #

Create a LocaleInfo instance, passing in the implementation classes.

@param impl LocaleInfoImpl instance to use @param cldr CldrImpl instance to use

LocaleInfo([this.infoImpl = null]);


DateTimeFormatInfo dateTimeFormatInfo #

DateTimeFormatInfo dateTimeFormatInfo

LocaleInfoImpl infoImpl #

LocaleInfoImpl infoImpl

NumberConstants numberConstants #

NumberConstants numberConstants


void ensureDateTimeFormatInfo() #

void ensureDateTimeFormatInfo() {
 if (dateTimeFormatInfo == null) {
   dateTimeFormatInfo = infoImpl.getDateTimeFormatInfo();

void ensureNumberConstants() #

void ensureNumberConstants() {
 if (numberConstants == null) {
   numberConstants = infoImpl.getNumberConstants();

DateTimeFormatInfo getDateTimeFormatInfo() #

Returns a DateTimeConstants instance for this locale.

DateTimeFormatInfo getDateTimeFormatInfo() {
 return dateTimeFormatInfo;

NumberConstants getNumberConstants() #

Returns a NumberConstants instance for this locale.

NumberConstants getNumberConstants() {
 return numberConstants;

bool isRTL() #

Returns true if this locale is right-to-left instead of left-to-right.

bool isRTL() {
 return false; //cldrImpl.isRTL();